Search results for:climate action

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World’s Coral Reefs Reaching The Point Of No Return

The vast majority of the world’s coral reefs are now reaching the point of no return — the point at which it wouldn’t even theoretically be possible to save them from disappearing...

Clean Technology Is an Exportation Leverage of the Greenest Country in the World

Having been investing in the health sector and environmental protection for decades, Finland is now highly ranked among the world’s leading countries with the most advanced standards of environmental protection and health...

Low-Carbon Electricity Outstrips Fossil Fuel Electricity in 2017

2017 was a record-breaking year for clean electricity in the UK, with new analysis from Carbon Brief today revealing more power came from low-carbon sources than all fossil fuels combined for the...

Miroslav Tadić: The United Nations Strongly Support the Transition of Serbia towards Ecomobility

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is helping the transition of the Republic of Serbia through the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which define priority areas of development in the...

UK Clean Energy Records Make 2017 ‘Greenest Year Ever’

This year is set to be the “greenest ever” for the UK, according to data provided by the National Grid. Over the course of 2017, 13 different renewable energy records have been broken. “It’s...

Number 9 – December 2017

We have dedicated the new number of our magazine to an important topic on Eco-Health that is not sufficiently represented in our public, as opposed to global institutions and media, where data...

Paris: World Bank Will No Longer Finance Oil and Gas Projects Starting from 2019

In a move meant to aid countries reach greenhouse gas-curbing targets set by the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit global warming, the World Bank has announced that it will stop financing oil...

Jet Fuel Made From Sugar Cane? It’s Not a Flight of Fancy

The aviation industry produces 2 percent of global human-induced carbon dioxide emissions. This share may seem relatively small – for perspective, electricity generation and home heating account for more than 40 percent...

20 Companies Pledge to Phase Out Coal

Twenty companies including Unilever and the Virgin Group announced on Tuesday that they will phase out usage of coal in order to combat climate change. The companies announced their decision at the One...

World Temperatures To Rise By Up To 15% More By 2100 Than Previously Thought, Study Finds

Earlier estimates may have understated the extent by which world temperatures will rise by 2100 by up to 15%, according to a new study published in the journal Nature. In other words, if...

UN Decrees Ocean Plastic a ‘Planetary Crisis’

Nations from around the world have agreed a new UN resolution to halt the tide of ocean plastic that scientists warn is poisoning global waters. The agreement acknowledges the urgent need to curb...

Boston City Council Approves Plastic Bag Ban

You might want to bring a tote if you plan on shopping in Beantown next year. Boston City Council voted 12-0 on Wednesday to ban single-use plastic bags across the Massachusetts capital. The...

Wales Urges UK Government to ‘Think Again’ on Onshore Wind Ban

The Welsh Government, RenewableUK and several green groups have jointly called for onshore wind and solar projects to be allowed to compete in future UK clean energy auction rounds, arguing that the...

Oregon and Washington Join 20 Countries to Phase Out Coal By 2030

Even though the Trump administration used its only public forum at the COP23 climate talks in Bonn to promote coal, it's clear that many individual U.S. businesses, cities and entire states would...

Canada & UK Form Alliance To Dump Coal

At the COP 23 climate conference in Bonn, Germany this week, Canada and the UK announced that they are spearheading a global alliance to phase out the use of coal completely. The...

15,000 Scientists From 184 Countries Warn Humanity of Environmental Catastrophe

More than 15,000 scientists have signed a chilling article titled “World Scientists' Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice," urging global leaders to save the planet from environmental catastrophe. The plea, published Monday in...



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