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New York State Approves 26 Large-Scale Renewable Projects, Seeks Exemption From Federal Offshore Drilling

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo announced approval last week for 26 large-scale renewable energy projects, including 22 solar projects worth 647 megawatts (MW) and 733.58 MW worth of wind energy. At the...

Temperature Rise over 2° Celsius (3.6° Fahrenheit) Possible in 13 Global Cities in 2020s, Study Finds

Over just the next decade or so, 13 large global cities are facing temperature rises that could exceed 2° degrees Celsius (3.6° Fahrenheit), according to a new report from the Urban Climate...

IKEA Enjoys Sustainable Product Sales Growth and Clean Energy Uptick

IKEA has revealed further growth in global sales across its sustainable products range last year, as the Swedish furniture giant today reported progress on renewable energy generation as part of its latest...

Sea Level Rise Continuing To Accelerate Every Year, Study Finds

The rate at which sea level rise is occurring is continuing to increase every year, according to a new study that was published in the journal the Proceedings of the National Academy...

Printed Organic Polymer Solar Cells Finally Getting Accessible & Affordable: Danish Startup Ready To Scale Up

Danish tech news magazine Ingeniøren reports today that 18 years of hard work has resulted in the startup infinityPV finally commercializing products with printed solar photovoltaic foil. I had heard about these...

Keeping Global Temperature Increase Below 1.5 Degrees Celsius Unlikely, Says IPCC Draft Report

Every September, the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change releases a report on global warming, but that report doesn’t take shape overnight. It is the result of nearly a year’s worth of work...

IKEA Urges Clean Energy Switch with Customer Tariff Offer

IKEA is urging customers to switch to clean energy by offering a 100 per cent renewables tariff deal it claims could potentially save households more than £300 a year on their electricity...

INTERVIEW: Filip Radovic and Verica Jovanovic

SEPA AND BATUT: Key Partners for Improving EcoHealthThe concern about the state of the whole ecosystem, contained in the conceptual goals of EcoHealth, requires interaction between all expert services and institutions of the...

Ph.D. Aleksandar Joksimovic: The Adriatic is Our Heritage – We Must Preserve It!

With four national parks and a multitude of forest systems, more than 50 protected plant species and 320 animal species, although small in size, Montenegro has three different natural environments at a distance...

Public Support for Renewables Climbs to 79 Per Cent

Public support for renewables has climbed year-on-year, according to the latest government survey on attitudes to energy and climate issues. Asked if they supported or opposed the use of renewable energy, 49 per...

2017 Was the Hottest Year on Record for Oceans

Last year wasn't just one of the hottest years on Earth's surface, as it was the hottest year on record for the global ocean, according to a new study from the Institute...

Macron: France Will Shut All Coal-Fired Power Stations by 2021

France will shut down all of its coal-fired power plants by 2021, President Emmanuel Macron announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The deadline is two years ahead of his predecessor...

Budweiser Now Brews US Beer with 100 Per Cent Renewable Electricity

All Budweiser beers made in the US are now brewed with 100 per cent renewable electricity, the beer brand said today - its first market to complete the shift to green power. From...


Although EcoHealth is significant for all living beings on the planet, the general public is not yet sufficiently familiar with the concept and term of this multidisciplinary field.The multiplication of the number...

Masdar Expands Renewables Portfolio Amid Flurry of Solar Deals Across Middle East

As clean energy firm Masdar unveiled a raft of deals aimed at expanding its renewables portfolio internationally, a flurry of wind and solar investments this week further served to highlight the Middle...

Evian Vows to Become ‘100 Per Cent Circular Brand’ by 2025

Bottled water giant Evian has become the latest high profile brand to announce sweeping plans to crackdown on plastic waste, unveiling a new goal to become a "100 per cent circular brand"...



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