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How to Save on Electricity Bill

The arrival of autumn and colder days gives headaches to many. Apart from hectic preparations for school and searching for the winter clothes in your closets, preparations for the looming heating season...

WADI + Sun = Free Potable Water

The perfection is in simplicity, which also goes for simple inventions. Thus, a small device, called WADI, which does not require batteries, chemi-cals, or spare parts, can save a large part of...

Europe: Electric Car Sales Surpass Diesel

In a milestone for the environment, Europeans purchased more electric cars than those powered by diesel last month. According to recent data, over 20 percent of new cars sold in Europe and...

Green Power, Clean Air

Are the sun and water resources that could clear the path to a climate-neutral world or just another “bad master” who could bring droughts and floods? Both scenarios are equally possible. However,...

A Green-Oriented Business

Pellets produced in the Eko Step Pellet factory have lower CO2 gas emissions, contain minimal moisture, and when burnt, the ash is below 1.2 percent, which is within the European A2 standards,...

For Bosnia Without Trash

An informal Facebook group, whose goal is to make the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina become ecologically aware, has reached almost 53,000 members after nearly two years of existence, thus becoming a...

When Clean Environment Brings the Eco-Friendly Municipality title

Čajetina municipality in Serbia has set a very clear and ambitious goal for itself. It is inclined to officially become the first eco-friendly municipality in Serbia. At the moment when our problems seem...

10 Ways You Can Help Fight the Climate Crisis

The evidence is irrefutable: unless we act immediately to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we will not be able to stave off the worst consequences of climate change. The world is already 1.2°C warmer...

Hot Rock Energy Storage Will Soon Be A Reality In Denmark’s Electricity Grid

The Danish company Stiesdal, which is behind the TetraSpar full-scale demonstration project of the world’s first industrialized offshore foundation manufacturing and deployment system for wind turbines, is now realizing the first commercial demonstration energy storage...

EBRD supports coal transition in Kragujevac, Serbia

Kragujevac, the fourth-largest city in Serbia, will make a big leap in its transition away from coal, thanks to an EUR 18 million loan provided by the European Bank for Reconstruction and...

Renewables are Stronger than Ever as They Power Through the Pandemic

Renewable sources of electricity such as wind and solar grew at their fastest rate in two decades in 2020 and are set to expand in coming years at a much faster pace...

The National Assembly adopted four laws in the field of energy and mining

 Members of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted four laws in the field of mining and energy, including two new laws - the Law on the Use of Renewable...

What the Law on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy Brings

Recently, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has adopted four draft laws, among them the Draft Law on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. The aim of enacting this law is...

IRENA Report Identifies Policy Measures to Advance Jordan’s Transition to Renewables

A new report published today by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has identified a series of policy measures that can help advance the energy transition towards renewable energy in Jordan. The “Renewables...

New Year’s Resolution? Slim Your Carbon Footprint by a Tonne in 2021

Get fit, quit smoking, eat healthily. Most years begin with good intentions that often fall by the wayside as life gets busier again. But how about trying a different challenge for 2021 which...

The Future Is in Nuclear Energy

Why are wind and sun as renewable energy sources less environmentally acceptable and economically less profitable than nuclear energy, and how much France as an example can help us in the strategy...



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