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South East and Southern Europe Nations Pledge to Reduce Pollution

Countries in the Western Balkans region currently rank among the worst in Europe for air pollution. Countries from the South East and Southern Europe have agreed on new joint measures to reduce pollution. They...

China Urged to Lead Way in Efforts to Save Life on Earth

Delegates at UN biodiversity conference turn to Beijing to avoid point of no return. China must play a leading role if the world is to draw up a new and more effective strategy to...

Almost all World’s Oceans Damaged by Human Impact, Study Finds

The remaining wilderness areas, mostly in the remote Pacific and at the poles, need urgent protection from fishing and pollution, scientists say. Just 13% of the world’s oceans remain untouched by the damaging...

Red List Research Finds 26,000 Global Species under Extinction Threat

More than 26,000 of the world’s species are now threatened, according to the latest red list assessment of the natural world, adding to fears the planet is entering a sixth wave of...

Antarctic Ice Melting Faster than ever, Studies Show

Ice in the Antarctic is melting at a record-breaking rate and the subsequent sea rises could have catastrophic consequences for cities around the world, according to two new studies.A report led by...

Greenpeace Finds Microplastics and Hazardous Chemicals in Remote Antarctic Waters

Another day, another sign of the reach of the global ocean plastics crisis. A Greenpeace expedition to Antarctica turned up microplastics in more than half of ocean water samples taken in the...

Two Studies Reveal Amazing Resilience of Older Forests

Maybe you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but two recent studies revealed that old forests around the world are full of surprises.In Europe, scientists working to complete the first ever...

Climate Change on Track to Cause Major Insect Wipeout, Scientists Warn

Global warming is on track to cause a major wipeout of insects, compounding already severe losses, according to a new analysis. Insects are vital to most ecosystems and a widespread collapse would cause...

A Third of World’s Nature Reserves Severely Degraded by Human Activity

A third of global protected areas such as national parks have been severely degraded by human activities in what researchers say is a stunning reality check of efforts by nations to stall...

Campaign to Create World’s Largest Sanctuary in Antarctic Ocean Gains Momentum

Greenpeace's ship Arctic Sunrise is on its way to Antarctica, where the crew on board will be the first humans ever to visit the seafloor in the Weddell Sea. The three-month expedition will...

Trump Plan to Reduce Marine Monuments Could Put Vital Ecosystems at Risk

A report from United States Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke recommends shrinking three ocean monuments and opening them up to commercial fishing. The monuments, two in the Pacific Ocean and one...

Republican Tax Bill Presents Grave Threat to Alaska’s Tribal Groups

For tribal people in northern Alaska, a Republican tax overhaul that was hastily cobbled together in congressional backrooms 3,000 miles away has raised fears that their entire way of life could be...

World’s Largest Reforestation Project Wants To Plant 73 Million Trees In The Amazon

The Amazon rainforest has been treated roughly since the 1970s. Now, as deforestation in the area slowly but surely tails off, a massive new project hopes to help restore this natural wonder...

Deputy Secretary-General, at General Assembly Event on World Wildlife Day

Following are UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed’s remarks at the General Assembly event on World Wildlife Day, in New York on Friday: I am pleased to be with you for this fourth observance...

Director-General of UNESCO Receives WWF’s Duke of Edinburgh Conservation Award

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, last month presented the Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 2016 Duke of Edinburgh Conservation Award, for her contribution to...

UN Biodiversity Conference Results in Significant Commitments for Action on Biodiversity

Governments agreed on actions that will accelerate implementation of global biodiversity targets, and enhance the linkage of the biodiversity agenda with other global agendas including the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate...



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