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The decarbonization of road transport, which accounts for more than 15 per cent of global energy-related emissions, is a challenge that almost the entire planet is grappling with. Alternative fuel vehicles, which...

The oil and gas industry faces a moment of truth and an opportunity to adapt

Oil and gas producers face pivotal choices about their role in the global energy system amid a worsening climate crisis fuelled in large part by their core products, according to a major...

Clean technologies are driving job growth in the energy sector, but skills shortages are an increasing concern

The number of jobs in the global energy sector rose in 2022 as growing investment in clean energy technologies drove demand for new workers in every region of the world, according to...

Latin America to play an essential role in the global transition to a more secure and sustainable energy system

At a time of rising geopolitical uncertainty and accelerating energy transitions, an extraordinary endowment of energy and mineral resources, as well as a history of clean energy leadership, positions Latin America and...

IEA, ECB and EIB highlight importance of an accelerated clean energy transition for Europe’s industrial competitiveness and financial stability

The heads of the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Energy Agency (IEA) are today calling on leaders from government, finance and industry across Europe to...

It’s time for governments and industry to act on energy efficiency

Amid a global energy crisis, policy makers, industry executives and consumers are all talking about how to bring down the cost of energy and reinforce security of supply. Often that conversation focuses...

Renewable power on course to shatter more records as countries around the world speed up deployment

Global additions of renewable power capacity are expected to jump by a third this year as growing policy momentum, higher fossil fuel prices and energy security concerns drive strong deployment of solar...

Clean energy investment is extending its lead over fossil fuels, boosted by energy security strengths

Investment in clean energy technologies is significantly outpacing spending on fossil fuels as affordability and security concerns triggered by the global energy crisis strengthen the momentum behind more sustainable options, according to...

Manufacturing plans for key clean energy technologies are expanding rapidly as investment momentum builds

Announcements of new manufacturing projects for several essential technologies for the clean energy transition – including solar PV, batteries and electrolysers – have accelerated in recent months, highlighting the growing global momentum...

Global Energy Employment Rises Above Pre-Covid Levels, Driven by Clean Energy and Efforts to Strengthen Supply Chains

Global employment in the energy sector has risen above its pre-pandemic levels, led by increased hiring in clean energy, according to a new IEA report that offers the first worldwide benchmark for...

Energy Security: France Takes Emergency Measures to Boost Renewables

France gets around 20 per cent of its electricity from renewable sources – 8 per cent from wind energy, but it needs more to meet its climate goals while reinforcing energy security....

Global Energy and Climate Leaders Meet in Sydney to Strengthen Clean Energy Technology Supply Chains

Global energy and climate leaders are meeting this week at the Sydney Energy Forum, which is co-hosted by the Australian Government and the IEA, to discuss how to scale up and strengthen...

Energy Transition Holds Key to Tackle Global Energy and Climate Crisis

Short-term interventions addressing the current energy crisis must be accompanied by a steadfast focus on mid- and long-term goals of the energy transition. High fossil fuel prices, energy security concerns and the...

Joint Statement Between the European Commission and the United States on European Energy Security

The United States and the European Commission are committed to reducing Europe's dependency on Russian energy. "We reaffirm our joint commitment to Europe's energy security and sustainability and to accelerating the global transition...

Surging Electricity Demand is Putting Power Systems Under Strain Around the World

Global electricity demand surged in 2021, creating strains in major markets, pushing prices to unprecedented levels and driving the power sector’s emissions to a record high. Electricity is central to modern life...

The Potential of Digital Business Models in the New Energy Eonomy

The pace of digitalisation in the energy sector has accelerated rapidly in recent years, leading to a transformation of many traditional business models. Thanks to innovative technologies and access to new types...



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