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Iberian Lynx Rebounding Thanks to Conservation Action

The Iberian Lynx has improved from Endangered to Vulnerable on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, continuing its dramatic recovery from near extinction thanks to sustained conservation efforts. “As the IUCN Red...

Nature Restoration Law: Council Gives Final Green Light

The Council formally adopted the – first of its kind – regulation on nature restoration. This law aims to put measures in place to restore at least 20 per cent of the...

Precise Strategies and Plans for Mitigating the Consequences of Climate Change

Biodiversity is particularly important for Romania because around 23 per cent of the country’s surface is occupied by protected natural areas, which are part of the Natura 2000 network of protected areas in the European Union. Romania has...

Why is Compost Important, and How to Make Compost?

Disseminating environmental awareness has made popular numerous activities and habits that we as a society once might have been ashamed of or thought should not occupy a place in our lives. Although...

Which Animals Are Threatened with Extinction by 2030?

If I remember correctly, 10 a.m. was reserved for watching the series Survival, and every episode of this iconic wildlife show delighted me equally. For a long time, I was convinced that...

Satellites in the Service of Economic and Environmental Opportunities

Satellites often inspire me to write about them. Perhaps the reason for the inspiration is that they seem like a long-established concept, that they have always been here and that there is...

134 million USD initiative aims to eliminate mercury-containing medical devices

The Governments of Albania, Burkina Faso, India, Montenegro and Uganda have united to combat chemical pollution, launching a 134-million dollars project to eliminate the use of mercury in medical devices. Used in health-care...

Italy is Considering Banning the Construction of Solar Power Plants on Arable Land

To improve agricultural production, the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests proposed a draft regulation on agriculture, which, among other things, bans the installation of photovoltaic structures on agricultural land. According...

In Europe’s Wild Carpathian Mountains, Prospect of Drought Rises

Stretching across seven Central and Eastern European countries, the Carpathian mountain range is home to some of the continent’s largest intact forests. It boasts nearly 4,000 plant species, as well as large...

It’s not all so Colourless – How is North Korea Fighting Climate Change

Time in North Korea seems to stand still. At least that's how it seems to the rest of the world, which cannot come to terms with the fact that in the 21st...

From Investing In Nature Conservation To One Of the Most Environmentally Developed Countries

One of the smallest but greenest countries in the European Union – Slovenia – very quickly adopted European standards and achieved a high level of environmental protection. According to the report of...

Earth Day: What is it, When is it and Why is it Important?

Earth Day is an international day devoted to our planet. It draws attention to the environment and promotes conservation and sustainability. Each year on 22 April, around one billion people around the world...

The Sustainable Development Crisis – How Big is the Financial Gap in Accomplishing the SDGs?

The entire planet strives to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the latest United Nations report indicates that countries are not moving well enough towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development....

Soil health: Parliament sets out measures to achieve healthy soils by 2050

To improve the health of EU soils, MEPs support efforts to monitor and improve the soil ecological status in the EU. Parliament on Wednesday adopted its position on the Commission proposal for a...

Wealthy Countries Have Learned Their Lesson – They Are Trying to Restore Their Estuaries

People have always inhabited the banks of rivers that are vital to our existence, but it seems that human intervention in the last three decades is slowly taking its toll. Experts from Inha...

Green Planet between Dystopia and Utopia

That day, at the front door of my building, I was intercepted by an upset neighbor with the announcement that “The lift is not working again!” I noticed that my neighbor was...



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