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FAO Launches the UN’s International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, today launched the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 (IYFV) with an appeal to improve healthy...

Mountain People Among the World’s Hungriest as Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change Take their Toll

Mountains host about half of the global biodiversity hotspots and are home to a growing number of the world's hungriest people, according to a new study launched by the Food and Agriculture...

How to Overcome Water Challenges in Agriculture

More than three billion people live in agricultural areas with high to very high levels of water shortages and scarcity, and almost half of them face severe constraints. Furthermore, available freshwater resources...

Namibia’s Locust Crisis: “They have no Mercy at All”

“This is the first time seeing such a scary situation ever since i was born here. Nothing else can compare to such a serious threat,” said farmer Fabian Sisamu. “It is the worst...

Land Consolidation Is the Missing Link for Farmers in North Macedonia

Coming from a family with a long tradition in agriculture, Ljupco Angelovski, a young family farmer in the village of Egri, North Macedonia, wanted to modernise his farm when he took it...

How to Get Private Capital to Protect Nature – Without Greenwashing

"Innovative finance” is the newest buzzword used to find ways to channel money – especially private money – to nature-based solutions. But bringing nature and private investors together in a sustainable and...

New Strains of Rice Could Address Climate Change

Rice is a staple for more than 3.5 billion people, including most of the world’s poor. But it can be a problematic crop to farm. It requires massive amounts of water and...

FAO, WMO and Partners Call for Early Warning and Early Action to Avoid Disasters

2020 State of Climate Services Report says 11,000 disasters caused by weather, climate and water-related hazards in the past 50 years. As extreme weather and climate events have increased in frequency, intensity and...

How Investing In Nature Can Help Tackle The Biodiversity And Climate Crises

This month, world leaders and experts convened for the UN General Assembly which is culminating in the UN Summit on Biodiversity today. The Summit will emphasise the need to safeguard nature and...

A Higher-Yield Rice Variety Moves Madagascar Further on the Path to Self-Sufficiency

Madagascar has a rich history of rice cultivation. Outside of Asia, Madagascar has the longest tradition of rice production, and this staple is cultivated in almost all districts of the country. For...

Oil Spill in Mauritius Calls for More Efforts to Safeguard Coral Reef Ecosystems

On July 25, 2020, a Japanese cargo ship struck a reef on the southeast coast of Mauritius, leaking tons of oil into coral reefs, pristine turquoise water lagoons and unique ecosystems of...

Record Temperature Trajectory Threatens to Breach 1.5°C Global Heating Threshold

New climate data from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) predicts that the annual mean global temperature is likely to be at least 1.0°C above pre-industrial levels (1850-1900) in each of the coming...

Coral Reefs Are ‘Glowing’ in a Desperate Bid to Survive Warmer Seas

A global study has revealed exactly why corals glow during ocean heatwaves: to try and survive. The research by the University of Southampton’s Coral Reef Laboratory shows that some corals exhibit a dazzling...

Honey Bees Feel Sting of Viral Disease

There’s nothing new in nature. Viruses have been around for as long as plants and animals, if not longer. Most viruses are benign to humans and other animals and in fact are...

Not Business as Usual in Europe’s Largest Fishing Port

On almost any given day, at four-thirty in the morning, while most people are still sleeping, Europe’s biggest fishing port in Vigo, Spain is in full swing.In normal times of operation, shouts...

Biopesticides for Locust Control in East Africa

East Africa is going through a massive Desert Locust infestation that’s stripping farming families of food and income and threatening the food security of millions throughout the region. And the number of...



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