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A Small Island With Big Plans: The Kingdom of Bahrain Commits to Environmental Sustainability

In June 2019, the Kingdom of Bahrain revealed its plans to ban plastic bags. The move took many by surprise. Ahmed Rajab, a photographer in Bahrain for the Gulf Daily News, is...

Europe’s Forests Are Booming and Here’s Why

Around the world, forests are shrinking due to deforestation, urban development and climate change, but in Europe that trend has been reversed. Large areas of the continent have seen a forest boom that...

IUCN Advises “in Danger” Status for Three World Heritage Sites

IUCN, the official advisor on natural World Heritage, recommends for three natural sites to be listed as “World Heritage in danger”: the Sundarbans in Bangladesh, Mexico’s Islands and Protected Areas of the...

Nearly 600 Plant Species ‘Have Gone Extinct in the last 250 Years’

As many as 571 plant species have gone extinct in the last 250 years.That’s according to a new study conducted by researchers at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, which suggests this...

We Have Broader National Awareness of the Need for Personal Engagement

It is a well-known fact that in 2017, the United States of America withdrew from the Paris Agreement. By signing it, states have committed themselves to the fight against climate change but...

Major Threats to New Zealand’s Environment Highlighted in Government Report

New Zealand's pristine image as a haven of untouched forests and landscapes was tarnished this week by a brand new government report. The Environment Aotearoa 2019 painted a bleak image of the...

Hong Kong Is at the Heart of Global Wildlife Trafficking

Hong Kong is a small autonomous territory with fewer than 7.5 million residents. Yet this bustling urban center in southeastern China is at the very center of the global wildlife trafficking trade,...

Industrial Fishing Ushers the Albatross Closer to Extinction, Say Researchers

Industrial fishing vessels that accidentally kill tens of thousands of albatrosses each year routinely ignore regulations designed to save the birds from extinction, according to research.Using satellite data, investigators found that vessels...

We Are Eating Large Wild Animals into Extinction

Much of the planet’s megafauna is being driven extinct because of the usual causes: habitat loss and rampant poaching for body parts like horns, bones and tusks.But there is another reason large...

Insects Could Go Extinct Within a Century, With ‘Catastrophic’ Consequences for Life on Earth

More than 40 percent of the world's insects could go extinct in the next few decades, according to a report that lead author Francisco Sánchez-Bayo told CNN was the first global review...

Heatwave Wipes Out Third of Spectacled Fruit Bats in Australia

A heatwave that swept Australia in November killed a third of an entire bat species. On the 26th and 27th of November last year, temperatures soared above 42°C, resulting in around 23,000 spectacled...

Insect Collapse: ‘We Are Destroying Our Life Support Systems’

Scientist Brad Lister returned to Puerto Rican rainforest after 35 years to find 98% of ground insects had vanished. “We knew that something was amiss in the first couple days,” said Brad Lister....

10 Worst-Case Climate Predictions if We Don’t Keep Global Temperatures Under 1.5 Degrees Celsius

The summer of 2018 was intense: deadly wildfires, persistent drought, killer floods and record-breaking heat. Although scientists exercise great care before linking individual weather events to climate change, the rise in global...

Vital Ecosystems in Tidal Flats Lost to Development and Rising Sea Levels

Coastal development and sea level rise are causing the decline of tidal flats along the world’s coastlines, according to research that has mapped the ecosystems for the first time. Scientists from the University...

The Past 5 Years Were the Arctic’s Warmest on Record

The Arctic is still warming at twice the rate of anywhere else on Earth, and the region's air temperatures in the past five years between 2014-2018 have exceeded all previous records since 1900, according...

Love Triangles Kill: Swift Parrot Polyamory a New Threat to Critically Endangered Species’ Survival

Tasmania’s critically endangered swift parrots are facing a new threat to survival – polyamory.A study by researchers at the Australian National University, published in the Journal of Animal Ecology, has found that...



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