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Plant Pandemics are Affecting up to 30 percent of Major Food Crops – and They’re Getting Worse

Plant disease surveillance, improved detection systems, and global predictive disease modeling are necessary to mitigate future disease outbreaks and protect the global food supply, according to a team of researchers. Plant diseases don’t...

Seagrass meadows, coral reefs and destructive fishing

A remote area in the middle of the Indian Ocean, between the Seychelles and Mauritius, this underwater plateau the size of Belgium is home to the world’s largest seagrass meadow, some of...

Each Program Makes a Small Contribution to the Decision to Stay in the Country

In less than two years since the foundation, the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia has opened as many as five programs of support for scientific research papers. In 2021, additional...

How Solar Power is Helping a Community and Jaguars

In ancient times, jaguars roaming the southeast jungles of Mexico symbolized power. The Mayas considered them sacred animals with links to the underworld due to their nocturnal habits. Today, Mexico is home to...

Cleaning Up After Water Pollution

It is very difficult to reverse the effects of water pollution. Natural processes that cleanse the water can take years, decades, or even centuries, and even with costly technological processes, it can...

What Does the World Gain When We Protect Tigers?

Tigers are one of the world’s most recognized animals. Throughout history they can be seen in cultural traditions across Asia, as well as in brand images and logos the world over. But...

Got Climate Change? Kelp Can Help

Kelp, which most of us refer to as seaweed, may be an important tool in the quest to limit the effects of a warming planet. Much of the carbon dioxide emitted into...

Our Global Food System is the Primary Driver of Biodiversity Loss

Food System Impacts on Biodiversity Loss, the new Chatham House report, supported by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and Compassion in World Farming, describes three actions needed for food system transformation in...

New Project to Boost Sustainable Wildlife Management and Food Security in Southern Africa

FAO and the French Development Agency (AFD) today launched a new 3.5 million Euro project to improve sustainable wildlife management and food security in the world's largest terrestrial transfrontier conservation area. Southern Africa's...

The Plan To Map Every Coral Reef on Earth – From Space

In October 2020, Australian scientists found a detached coral reef skyscraper on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef—nearly 500 meters tall and 1.5 kilometres wide — that exceeds the height of the Eiffel Tower...

Protected Areas Are the Best „Tool“ for Nature Conservation

Headlines about the extinction of numerous plant and animal species have experienced the fate of the majority of bad news. They are multiplying and, unfortunately, drowning in a sea of information that...

Scotland Plans To Protect 30 percent Of Its Land To Boost Biodiversity

Scotland is famous for whiskey, haggis and stunning scenery; rolling hills, snow-capped mountains and more than 30,000 freshwater lochs. It is also home to around 90,000 species of animals, microbes and plants. Now,...

Soil Pollution a Risk to Our Health and Food Security

Each year, the world marks World Soil Day on 5 December to raise awareness about the growing challenges in soil management and soil biodiversity loss, and encourage governments, communities and individuals around...

Four Lessons From Nature to Build a Circular Economy

The circular economy is one of the few disruptive concepts with universal appeal - with business leaders, investors, activists, economists and environmentalists. While gaining in popularity, the concepts of circularity have been...

How WHO is Working to Track Down the Animal Reservoir of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus

The introduction of a new virus to the human population is one of the greatest mysteries an epidemiologist can hope to unravel. Some of the most common and deadliest human diseases are caused...

Sustainable Cities: Lessons from Nepal and Colombia

Cities have always had to conform to their natural surroundings. Traditional Moroccan housing was designed with open air courtyards to help with ventilation in the dry and hot climate. While in Iceland,...



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