Search results for:North Macedonia

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Western Balkan municipalities kick off the development of Local Air Quality Plans

After launching the Clean Air Regions Initiative (CARI) at the Just Transition Forum on 30 June 2021, representatives of the participating municipalities have come together for the first two-day workshop to kick...

The Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Shar Mountain National Park Approved

The creation of Shar Mountain National Park in North Macedonia means the final puzzle piece for one of the largest transboundary protected areas in Europe is now in place. With the approval...

Decarbonisation of energy systems still at an early stage in Western Balkans

The Western Balkan 6 parties are progressing with the implementation of actions agreed by the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda, but their efforts are yet to deliver tangible results in terms...

Albania Launches First Tender for Wind Power

Albania has launched its first tender for utility-scale onshore wind power plants. Individual projects with a capacity of between 10 MW and 75 MW can apply. Several projects will be chosen; total...

Thacker Pass Lithium Mine Opposed By 4 Conservation Groups

With 4 conservation and public accountability groups filing for a preliminary injunction in the Federal District Court in Reno, the construction of the Thacker Pass lithium mine has taken center stage. The motion for...

The First Glass Packaging Containers on the Streets in Sombor

The citizens of Sombor and the surrounding areas can start recycling glass, with the first 70 packaging waste containers being placed on the streets, and another 80 containers expected in the weeks...

Secretariat Welcomes European Parliament’s Resolutions on Enlargement Progress Reports

The European Parliament has recently adopted resolutions on the 2019-2020 Commission enlargement progress reports on Albania, Kosovo*, North Macedonia and Serbia. On the basis of the Secretariat’s expert input in the drafting...

MT-KOMEX – Bringing Smart and Easy EV Charging to the Western Balkans

Summary Sustainable transport is slowly but surely gaining ground also in the Western Balkan region. Belgrade-based company MT-KOMEX is building electric vehicle charging network in the region. Thanks to the partnership with Virta,...

Secretariat Initiates Dispute Settlement Procedures Against Four Contracting Parties in Relation to NERPs

Secretariat launched dispute settlement procedures against Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, North Macedonia and Serbia for not meeting their NERP ceilings for the reporting years 2018 and 2019. NERPs (National Emission Reduction Plans)...

Winners of EEA’s “REDISCOVER Nature”

A praying mantis in Cyprus, a huddle of butterflies resembling a flower, galloping Galician horses and an alpine sunset in Slovakia are the winners of this year’s European Environment Agency’s ‘REDISCOVER Nature’...

Over 200,000 Tonnes of Plastic Leaking Into the Mediterranean Each Year

A new IUCN report finds that an estimated 229,000 tonnes of plastic are leaking into the Mediterranean Sea every year - equivalent to over 500 shipping containers each day. Unless significant measures...

Niš and Sombor recieve 600 glass recycling bins

Niš and Sombor will be the first cities to receive about 600 bins for collecting glass packaging, as a donation from NALED and German Development Aid, in order to improve the primary...

Nature-based Solutions – An Answer To The Climate Change Challenges In The Western Balkans

Nature-based Solutions offer a cost-effective, no-regret solution to reducing disaster risks and contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. While still an emerging concept, evidence has shown the benefits of Nature-based Solutions...

An App Made in Heaven

Fresh Agriculture Technologies is developing software solutions to assist in fruit production. A team of seven people of different professions, from agronomists through developers to economists, contributed to the digitisation of agriculture...

Public Invitation for Qualified Engineers to Participate in Training on Energy Management Systems

Tetra Tech ES, Inc. (Tetra Tech) is implementing a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) project to promote the use of Energy Management Systems (EMS) for industries and public or private commercial...

The COVID-19 Crisis Has a Profound Impact Also on the Energy Sector

In three reports published today, the Energy Community Secretariat assesses the current status of financial liquidity of the electricity sector; compiles information about support from International Financial Institutions and commercial banks; and measures...



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