Search results for:Greece

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Five EU Member State Regulators Confirm Application of Third Package Network Codes on Borders to Energy Community Contracting Parties

The national regulatory authorities of Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Poland and Romania have signed a general unilateral declaration on the applicability of all Third Energy Package gas network codes on interconnection points between...

IEA Executive Director Meets with Greek Minister for Environment and Energy

IEA Executive Director Dr Fatih Birol met today in Athens with the Greek Minister for Environment and Energy, George Stathakis, to discuss the energy sector transition and the outlook of global energy...

Almost 90% of New Power in Europe from Renewable Sources in 2016

Renewable energy sources made up nearly nine-tenths of new power added to Europe’s electricity grids last year, in a sign of the continent’s rapid shift away from fossil fuels. But industry leaders said...

There Is Constantly Fewer Water Resources, Better Management Is Necessary

While preparing for the interview with PhD Nebojša Veljković, we have performed several experiments and easily made sure that the litre of water is more expensive than the litre of petrol. Continuation...

Albania Disposes of 160 Tonnes of Napalm Components as Part of OSCE Project

The OSCE Presence in Albania and the Ministry of Defence held a ceremony on 6 December 2016, marking the completion of a joint project to destroy hazardous military chemicals. The Head of...

New International Solid Waste Association President Inaugurated

At the ISWA Congress 2016 in Novi Sad, Serbia Antonis Mavropoulos was formally elected and inaugurated as the new President of the International Solid Waste Association. A Chemical Engineer by profession, Antonis has...

European Circular Economy Project Kicks off in Wales

A new Europe-wide project intended to help smaller businesses enter the circular economy and operate in a more sustainable and profitable way has kicked off in Wales. A recent study by the Ellen...

Gazprom and Edison Discuss Southern Route of Russian Natural Gas Supplies to Europe

A working meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Marc Benayoun, Executive Vice President of EDF and Chief Executive Officer of Edison, took place yesterday in Milan. The meeting...

Rio 2016 Reveals Olympic Medals, Celebrating Nature and Sustainability

With 52 days until the world’s best athletes go into battle in the Olympic Games, Rio 2016 and the Brazilian Mint have unveiled the medals they will be competing with each other...

EIB Agrees New Investment Totalling EUR 7.4 Billion

The Board of Directors of the European Investment Bank  approved EUR 7.4 billion of new financing for 38 projects across Europe and around the world. Negotiations for the approved loans are expected...

The Fourth Green Week Day – Safeguarding our Oceans for the Future

Thursday looked at investing in our oceans to ensure that they stay healthy and productive for future generations. Participants across Europe explored the potential of our oceans – if used responsibly –...

EU invests €217 million in energy infrastructure

Member States agreed on a Commission proposal to invest €217 million in key trans-European energy infrastructure projects, mainly in Central and South Eastern Europe. In total, 15 projects were selected following a...

EU Ministers call on the EU to live up to its Paris commitments

Many EU Environment Ministers discussing implications of the Paris Agreement for EU climate and energy policies today acknowledged that the EU must ramp up its climate targets in line with the Paris...

Britain abandons onshore wind just as new technology makes it cheap

Vestas chief Runevad says UK rules shut out the latest hi-tech turbines, leaving Britain behind as the global wind boom spreads. The world’s biggest producer of wind turbines has accused Britain of...



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