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Stopping Global Warming is Only Way to Save Great Barrier Reef, Scientists Warn

The survival of the Great Barrier Reef hinges on urgent moves to cut global warming because nothing else will protect coral from the coming cycle of mass bleaching events, new research has...

Coral Reefs Are Dying Faster than Ever! We Have to Do Something, NOW!

Photo: Unless we act now, we could lose all reefs by 2050, risking the food source and livelihood of half a billion people. Coral reefs are a critical global ecosystem. They support 25%...

UN Biodiversity Conference Results in Significant Commitments for Action on Biodiversity

Governments agreed on actions that will accelerate implementation of global biodiversity targets, and enhance the linkage of the biodiversity agenda with other global agendas including the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate...

Hidden pollution exchange between oceans and groundwater revealed

Researchers have uncovered previously hidden sources of ocean pollution along more than 20 percent of America's coastlines. The study, published online Aug. 4 in the journal Science, offers the first-ever map of underground...

The Green Week’s Fifth Day – Investing for Future Generations

Friday looked at investing for future generations to ensure prosperity and well-being in the long term. Participants across Europe explored what actions can be taken today to ensure sustainable development and growth...

The Fourth Green Week Day – Safeguarding our Oceans for the Future

Thursday looked at investing in our oceans to ensure that they stay healthy and productive for future generations. Participants across Europe explored the potential of our oceans – if used responsibly –...

The Green Week’s Second Day – Ensuring the Future of our Countryside 

Tuesday explored why we need to invest in our countryside. Participants across Europe shared ideas on how to make sure our countryside stays healthy and productive in the long term. Early morning took...



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