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Waiting for a Good Wind to Come

Centre for energy efficiency and sustainable development - CEEFOR ENERGY EFFICIENT SOLUTION as the company devoted to the development of projects, implementation of energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources in the...

The Course of the Energy (R)Evolution in Germany

The term evolution, referring to a gradual and continuous social development, is often used as a total opposite to the term revolution, which brings sudden and dramatic shifts of the existing system....

77 Health Organizations Call for Climate Action to Fight Public Health Emergency

More than 70 leading public health groups, including the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, agree that the climate crisis is also a health emergency.So far 77 organizations representing...

Are Companies Feeling the Pressure from Sustainable Consumers?

The world’s leading suppliers of groceries, personal care products, household goods and consumer electronics are racing to adapt to sustainably-minded consumers.That’s the verdict from environmental non-profit CDP, which has published a new...

Report Finds Plastic’s Entire Lifecycle Harmful to Humans

The global effort to reduce plastic production and waste often focuses on the use of specific items – straws, single-use grocery bags – or on the challenge of recycling or how to...

Shift Towards Clean Energy in Southeastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities

Various means such as petroleum products, biomass, sun, wind, water, nuclear fission, lead us to the production of electricity as the ultimate goal. Each of the methods of obtaining energy has its...

Pellet Breaks New Paths!

The limitation and harmfulness of fossil fuels in energy production lead humanity towards finding and exploiting alternatives to these dirty energy sources at higher level. Windmills are springing up across our planet,...

‘Finally Some Good News Out of Washington’: Nation’s Capital to Go 100% Renewable by 2032

Washington, DC made history Tuesday when its council voted unanimously to transition to 100 percent renewable energy by 2032, the Huffington Post reported.The commitment is part of the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act of 2018, which...

What Are the Biggest Challenges for Saving the Oceans?

Oceans stretch across 70 percent of our planet, and the vast majority of the world beneath them is unmapped and unexplored. Their depths may still hold many secrets, but we know they face...

Dead Fish to Power Cruise Ships

Norwegian company to fuel liners with biogas made from leftovers of fish processing.Waste fish parts will be used to power ships in a new initiative to use green energy for polluting cruise...

New Renewables Cheaper Than Old Coal in Southeast Asia

A new analysis from independent financial think tank Carbon Tracker has concluded that it would be cheaper to build new solar PV and onshore wind capacity in Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines...

50% of Industrial Climate Change Emissions Tied to Fossil Fuel Companies

The Rocky Mountain Institute recently released a report titled Decarbonization Pathways for Mines: A Headlamp in the Darkness, in which it was stated that in 2015, half of worldwide industrial greenhouse gas...

Community Solar Project Means All Maryland Homes Can Make the Most of the Sun

A pilot programme has launched to allow people in the US state of Maryland to get involved with solar energy – even if they have no roof space or live in the...

What Is ‘Hothouse Earth’, and How Bad Would Such a Climate Catastrophe Be?

Oceans engulfing coastal cities, coral reefs eliminated and vast swathes of the Earth left completely uninhabitable. This is what we have to look forward to in a future “Hothouse Earth” – a planet...

What’s Worse Than Palm Oil for the Environment? Other Vegetable Oils, IUCN Study Finds

Banning palm oil in favor of other vegetable oils deemed less destructive to the environment could lead to greater biodiversity losses, a new report says. The report by the International Union for the...

Major Coal-Fired Power Plant in Washington to Go Solar

It was once Washington state's largest coal pit, a terraced, open-to-the-sky strip mine, five miles from the city of Centralia and halfway between Seattle and Portland, Oregon. Today, the coal beds are...



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