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The large amounts of waste we create affect the emergence and expansion of landfills, which leaves a strong negative impact on the environment. Landfills occupy large areas of land, rubbish is deposited...


The first thing that comes to mind when you think of an electric vehicle is where to charge it! A well-distributed charging network is essential for electric car drivers to plan their...


The origin, composition or concentration of dangerous substances that can cause danger to the environment and human health determine the categorization of an object as hazardous waste. Products that become special waste...

The Clean Energy Economy is Gaining Ground, But Greater Efforts are Needed now to Get on Track for Net Zero by 2050

Despite encouraging signs of progress across a number of sectors, stronger efforts are needed to bring the world on track to reach net zero emissions by mid-century, according to the IEA’s latest...

Global Energy Employment Rises Above Pre-Covid Levels, Driven by Clean Energy and Efforts to Strengthen Supply Chains

Global employment in the energy sector has risen above its pre-pandemic levels, led by increased hiring in clean energy, according to a new IEA report that offers the first worldwide benchmark for...

BMW Group to Use Innovative Round BMW Battery Cells in NEUE KLASSE from 2025

The BMW Group is convinced that powerful, innovative, sustainably-produced battery cells will be key to the success of individual electromobility in the future. The company is set to launch a new era...

Solar Energy for Secure Supply

Solar energy, green hydrogen, the hydropower sector and decarbonization are the topics of discussion on the second day of the Conference Energy Week Western Balkans organized by the British company Invest In...

A new cheaper type of non-flammable battery has been developed

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a new, cheaper type of battery as an alternative to lithium-ion batteries, which are still very expensive. The new batteries are made...

New Version of Solar Car Emilia4 Being Prepared in Cooperation Of Serbia and Italy

It is called Emilia4 and it is the symbol of the day dedicated to sustainable mobility as selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Italy....

Global Energy and Climate Leaders Meet in Sydney to Strengthen Clean Energy Technology Supply Chains

Global energy and climate leaders are meeting this week at the Sydney Energy Forum, which is co-hosted by the Australian Government and the IEA, to discuss how to scale up and strengthen...

No Basis To Classify Lithium As Hazardous, Industry Groups Say

Electric vehicle battery material lithium should not be classified as a hazardous substance by the European Union because the scientific evidence on which the proposal is based is weak, seven industry groups...

ABB To Lead Turnkey Project For Largest Shore-To-Ship Solution In France

Port of Toulon, which handles over 1.6 million ferry and cruise passengers annually, has committed to ABB Shore Connection technology at a key stage in its sustainability drive. With around 1,300 yearly calls...

BMW Group to Open Cell Manufacturing Competence Centre This Autumn

The BMW Group will open its Cell Manufacturing Competence Centre (CCMC) in the autumn. With the immission control approval procedure now completed, the necessary conditions are in place for commissioning of near-standard...

Public Fast-Charging Infrastructure Like Tripping Point for the E-Mobility Revolution

What came first, the chicken or the egg? We do not have the right answer to this question! What is the condition for the development of e-Mobility: a publicly available network of...

ABB to Power World’s First Hybrid-Electric Biomass Fuel Carriers

The Japanese Shipowners’ Association has announced that the Japanese shipping industry will take on the challenge of 2050 net zero GHG. One of its most significant initiatives is e5 Lab Inc., a...

The Solution For the Future of Sustainable Transport

The world’s metropolises are taking sure steps to improve and accelerate the complete transition to electric vehicles with innovative solutions. Intensive work on the promotion of electric vehicles, affects the growth of...



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