Search results for:clean electricity

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Canada Sets its First National Carbon Price at C$10 a Tonne

The Canadian government has agreed a deal with eight of the country’s 10 provinces to introduce its first national carbon price, Justin Trudeau has told reporters. The prime minister said the move would...

Wind Industry Salutes Fresh Output Record

The UK's onshore and offshore wind farms set a new output record yesterday, passing the 10,000MW mark for the first time, according to new figures from National Grid. The record of 10,104MW was...

Google Hails ‘Business Sense’ of Going 100 Per Cent Renewable Powered in 2017

Every Google search or Youtube video will soon be run entirely on renewable power, after the tech giant today announced it is on track to secure 100 per cent renewable energy for...

Centrica to Trial £19m Local Smart Grid in Cornwall

Energy giant Centrica has launched a new local energy market trial in Cornwall in a bid to test how a more distributed grid could help generation be managed closer to the point...

Siemens Cuts CO2 Emissions by 20 Percent

One year after the launch of its decarbonization program, Siemens is already making significant advances in reducing its carbon footprint. The company was able to cut its CO2 emissions from 2.2 million...

Sun Setting on Japan’s Solar Energy Boom

The sun is setting on Japan's clean-energy boom, despite projects like a massive floating solar farm near Tokyo, as the government cuts subsidies and bets on nuclear and coal-fired power, critics say. Workers...

Solar Goes Big: Launching the California Valley Solar Ranch

Today marks a major solar milestone for sunny San Luis Obispo County, California, with the start of commercial operation for California Valley Solar Ranch. This facility is one of the world’s largest...

Grundfos: to Be the Best with the Best

Currently in the world, about 13% of primary energy consumption comes from renewable sources although the technological capacities are significantly higher. Contrary to renewable sources are non-renewable energy sources. They could be...

Advanced Coal Technologies Could Provide Carbon Relief

Coal is not clean. But that does not mean that it could not be made cleaner. And that’s relevant because much of the developing world will remain dependent on coal, as will...

USAID Announces $4 Million to Solar Start-ups for African Off-Grid Energy

At the 22nd session of the UN Climate conference (COP 22), Power Africa Coordinator Andrew M. Herscowitz announced $4 million in new investments to eight companies that are revolutionizing household solar power...

Investment in Renewables

On Nov. 4, Walmart announced an aggressive plan to increase its investments in renewable energy, pledging to power half its operations from wind, solar, and other renewables by 2025 and to cut...

GM Accelerates Renewables Pledge With 50MW Texas Wind Farm Deal

General Motors has made its largest renewable energy purchase to date by signing a new power purchase agreement (PPA) with a 150MW wind farm currently under development in Texas. Announced last week, the...

UK Ratifies Paris Climate Agreement

The UK has become the 111th country to ratify the Paris climate agreement, which aims to avoid the most devastating effects of climate change by cutting carbon emissions. The foreign minister, Boris Johnson,...

Morocco Lights the Way for Africa on Renewable Energy

As the host of this year’s COP22 climate change conference in Marrakech, Morocco has been keen to demonstrate its green credentials and make this COP the “African COP”. In the past year, Morocco...

29% of Water Deemed Unsuitable for Human Consumption in China’s Top Coal Province

We know that Trump digs coal, but of all the fossil fuels, coal is Earth's biggest polluter. The environmental impact of the coal industry is vast and devastating. And now, production of...

Solar Homes With Tesla’s Powerwall 2.0 Are Already Cost-Competitive With The Grid In Australia

As the world shifts towards renewable energy, cost competitiveness is sometimes still a factor. Fossil fuel proponents claim the polluting energy sources are cheaper, but that assertion is now harder to defend....



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