Search results for:energy from renewable sources

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District Heating Warms Cities Without Fossil Fuels

Heating homes and offices without adding to the dangers of climate change is a major challenge for many cities, but re-imagined district heating is now offering an answer. A district heating scheme is...

Clean Technology Is an Exportation Leverage of the Greenest Country in the World

Having been investing in the health sector and environmental protection for decades, Finland is now highly ranked among the world’s leading countries with the most advanced standards of environmental protection and health...

Huge China Reforestation Campaign Kicks Into High Gear

If you want a feel-good story about a country that takes climate change seriously and is willing to take significant steps to protect the environment, China is a good place to start....

Low-Carbon Electricity Outstrips Fossil Fuel Electricity in 2017

2017 was a record-breaking year for clean electricity in the UK, with new analysis from Carbon Brief today revealing more power came from low-carbon sources than all fossil fuels combined for the...

Vehicles are Now America’s Biggest CO2 Source but EPA is Tearing Up Regulations

Some of the most common avatars of climate change - hulking power stations and billowing smokestacks - may need a slight update. For the first time in more than 40 years, the...

Miroslav Tadić: The United Nations Strongly Support the Transition of Serbia towards Ecomobility

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is helping the transition of the Republic of Serbia through the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which define priority areas of development in the...

Using Solar Power As A Political Tool In Armenia

Electrical energy is not just about running refrigerators and recharging cell phones. It can also have political ramifications. Just ask the people of Armenia, who are still trying to move out of...

Solar Panels Are Replacing Diesel Fuel in Canada’s Far North

  The sun being a resource worth tapping into is now globally accepted, but how to do it in the most efficient way is still an ongoing conversation. The obvious choice is to...

Think Big Oil’s a Problem? “Big Meat” Emits More Greenhouse Gas Than Most Countries

The meat and dairy industry now produces more greenhouse gas emissions worldwide than the transportation industry. For a chance to stave off global warming, we need to radically change how we produce...

World’s Largest Solar-Wind-Storage Plant Planned for India

A wind, solar and battery storage plant is being planned for the southeastern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, which has faced power woes in recent months due to grid failure. The renewable energy...

Jet Fuel Made From Sugar Cane? It’s Not a Flight of Fancy

The aviation industry produces 2 percent of global human-induced carbon dioxide emissions. This share may seem relatively small – for perspective, electricity generation and home heating account for more than 40 percent...

Jovana Mehandžić Đurđić: Free Charging of Electric Cars at IKEA

We have all heard of the Swedish giant IKEA - the world's leading retail chain with a wide range of home decor products. The main concept of IKEA involves developing products that...

November Winds Provided Three Quarters of Scotland’s Power Needs, Data Shows

Strong November winds helped generate more than three quarters of Scotland's electricity needs for the month, once again demonstrating the "success story" of the renewables sector north of the border. Data released today...

Wales Urges UK Government to ‘Think Again’ on Onshore Wind Ban

The Welsh Government, RenewableUK and several green groups have jointly called for onshore wind and solar projects to be allowed to compete in future UK clean energy auction rounds, arguing that the...

Denmark Is Moving Convincingly Towards Decarbonization, Finds IEA

The International Energy Agency this week has highlighted the work being done by Denmark in decarbonizing its economy and the country’s progress on meeting its ambitious goals of becoming a low-carbon economy...

Third Mexican Auction Awards Enel 593 Megawatts Of Wind, Canadian Solar Awarded 367 Megawatts Solar

Solar power company Canadian Solar announced this week that it won 367 MW worth of solar power projects in Mexico’s third Long-term Auction for renewables which was held earlier in the month,...



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