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Myanmar’s Eco-Friendly Startup Transforms Trash into Treasure—and Jobs

Trash is a big problem in Myanmar. Garbage is scattered in the streets with smells of burning trash never far behind—but an innovative social enterprise has found a way to turn that...

5 Ways China Is Becoming the Global Leader on Climate Change

Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Scott Pruitt called the Paris agreement a "bad deal." He claimed China has made no significant efforts to curb carbon pollution, while the...

10 States Leading the Pack in Clean Energy Jobs

The solar, wind and energy efficiency industries already employ millions of people in the U.S. and they're poised to grow. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, there are 374,000 American jobs in...

Climate Scoreboard: EU Member States Fail To Convince With Patchy 2050 Plans

Only eleven EU Member States delivered a 2050 emissions reduction strategy by 2015 as required by EU law - and the strategies that were submitted vary hugely in quality. These are the...

Australia Launches Overdue Shift to Solar

Australia is well-known for its abundance of sunshine. But while the county has largely relied on its coal reserves to generate electricity for decades, solar energy is often described as an untapped...

The City of Ljubljana signed a public-private partnership with the GGE and Petrol consortium for the energy retrofitting of 49 public buildings

At a formal ceremony at Ljubljana City Hall, the City of Ljubljana signed a public-private partnership (PPP) contract with the GGE d.o.o. Petrol d.d, Ljubljana consortium for the energy retrofitting of public...

Households to Dump 235 Million Tonnes of Clothing in Landfill this Spring

Hundreds of millions of tonnes of clothing is set to be dumped in landfill this spring by UK consumers unaware that much of it can be reused or recycled, according to new...

Japan on Track to Reach 35% Renewables by 2030

With strong policy leadership, Japan can reach a 35 per cent renewable power share by 2030 – according to a new report. The report “Japan: Greater Energy Security Through Renewables: Electricity Transformation in...

MEPs vote to ban the use of palm oil in biofuels

MEPs have voted overwhelmingly to ban biofuels made from vegetable oils including palm oil by 2020, to prevent the EU’s renewable transport targets from inadvertently contributing to deforestation. A new palm oil regulation,...

Scotland and California Pledge Closer Ties on Climate Change and Wind Power

The governments of Scotland and California have signed a joint agreement committing the two administrations to share best practice on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and tackling climate change. Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon...

Northern Irish Energy Storage Cave Project Secures €90m Grant

The UK may be on its way out of the EU, but for the next two years it remains an EU member and eligible for EU clean tech funding. As such, an innovative...

How Wind Energy Helps to Conserve Water

The world is entering a new energy era, where consumption of renewable energy sources seems to be the only way to conserve nature and save life on the planet. By now, everybody knows...

Serbian Company to Become Part of General Electric Chain of Suppliers

After the well-rounded process of General Electric Sourcing Day, the company included a local company - Unimet, into its chain of suppliers. Domestic company Unimet in first phase of cooperation will deliver...

Fifth of Commercial Rental Buildings in Race to Meet Energy Efficiency Deadline

Nearly a fifth of commercial rental properties in England and Wales do not yet meet statutory minimum energy efficiency standards due to come into force from April next year, new research has...

Building Firms Urge Government to Deliver Bold Clean Growth Plan

More than 30 green construction, heat and energy efficiency organisations have urged Business Secretary Greg Clark to publish the UK's long-awaited Clean Growth Plan and deliver bold new policies to decarbonise homes...

25 US Cities Commit to 100 Per Cent Renewable Power

There are now 25 cities and towns in the US committed to sourcing 100 per cent of their power from renewables, after Madison in Wisconsin and Abita Springs in Louisiana both agreed...



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