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As of September 1, electricity for households 6.5 percent more expensive

Starting from September 1, the price of electricity for households and smaller customers will amount to 8,144 din/kWh and will mark an increase of 6.5 percent compared to the current average price...

How Can A Life-Cycle Approach Curb The Plastic Pollution Crisis?

At the recent United Nations Ocean Conference, another 22 governments agreed to join the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, which unites stakeholders around the goal of transitioning towards a circular economy for...

EU Solar Set to Save Additional 4.6 BCM Gas in 2022

As the European Commission launches its solidarity action to reduce gas consumption this winter, SolarPower Europe reveals the bloc is set to exceed even the highest projections of solar power generation in...

ABB Publishes New Edition Of ABB Review, Focused On Better Decisions

ABB today released the 3/2022 edition of ABB Review, the company’s technical journal. The lead topic for this quarter is “better decisions,” examining the decision making benefits of digital solutions throughout the enterprise,...

“This heatwave is the new normal”, WMO Secretary-General says

“We have broken an all-time high in the UK”, said Petteri Taalas, WMO Secretary-General. “Heatwaves will happen more frequently because of climate change. The connection has been clearly demonstrated by IPCC”. Stable high...

1.1 Billion Dinars for Projects to Increase Energy Efficiency in 38 Cities and Municipalities

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and Minister of Mining and Energy, prof. Zorana Mihajlovic, Ph.D., in Smederevska Palanka, handed over contracts to representatives of 38 local self-governments that received funds for investing...

How Secretive Methane Leaks are Driving Climate Change

Massive methane leaks, known as super-emitter events, have been taking place at oil and gas fields all over the world, from the United States to Turkmenistan. The releases, most of which can...

Migratory Monarch Butterfly now Endangered – IUCN Red List Gland

The global sturgeon reassessment published reveals that 100 percent of the world’s remaining 26 sturgeon species are now at risk of extinction, up from 85 percent in 2009. The assessments are based...

Leveraging Urban Agriculture to Support Cities

Cities, which occupy just 3 percent of the Earth’s land, account for up to 80 percent of energy consumption and 75 percent of carbon emissions.  By 2050, nearly 70 percent of the global...

Save Gas for a Safe Winter: Commission Proposes Gas Demand Reduction Plan to Prepare EU for Supply Cuts

The European Union faces the risk of further gas supply cuts from Russia, due to the Kremlin's weaponisation of gas exports, with almost half of our Member States already affected by reduced...

WMO Has no Immediate Plans to Name Heatwaves

The top priority of the World Meteorological Organization and its Members is to save lives through accurate forecasts and early warnings. A very successful example of this, in recent years, is improvements...

We are not Alone on the Path to Green Transformation

Less developed countries are torn between the struggle to preserve energy stability and the domestic economy on the one hand and the pressures imposed by the global energy transition on the other....

Recycled Material Made from Wood Shavings and Sawdust – “Cured” Wood Stronger Than Steel

Recycling wood waste, including wood shavings and sawdust, into a building material stronger than steel – that’s a brief way of describing the experiment carried out by researchers at the University of...

Energy Community Power System Can Support at Least 30 GW of Renewables Without Additional Investments Into Flexibility

As the energy transition advances in the Energy Community Contracting Parties, the share of power generation from variable renewables such as wind and solar will increase manyfold. The Energy Community power system with...

Five Threats To the Water That Sustains our Farms

Since the 1950s, innovations like synthetic fertilizers, chemical pesticides and high-yield cereals have helped humanity dramatically increase the amount of food it grows. But those inventions would be moot without agriculture’s most precious...

EBRD to Invest in Lamda’s Green Bond in Greece

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has successfully participated in a green bond issued by Lamda Development in Greece, investing 20 million euros in the total 230 million euros offering. Lamda...



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