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Valuable Wetlands Are Disappearing 3 Times Faster Than Forests, New Study Warns

Wetlands around the world are disappearing at an alarming rate. New research shows that these valuable ecosystems are vanishing at a rate three times that of forests. Unless significant changes are made,...

Killer Whales: Why More Than Half World’s Orcas Are Threatened by Leftover Industrial Chemicals

More than half of the world’s killer whales are threatened by a group of toxic industrial chemicals that accumulate in their blubber and can be passed on from mother to calf. That’s...

Oil and Gas Giants Agree Target to Cut Methane Emissions

They aim to reduce emissions from upstream operations to below 0.25% by 2025. Thirteen of the world’s biggest oil and gas companies have agreed a first collective target to reduce methane emissions.They have announced a goal...

Number of Dirty Diesels on Road Still Growing, Report Shows

The number of dirty diesel vehicles pumping out toxic emissions on Europe’s streets is still rising three years after the Dieselgate scandal began, according to a new report. More than 7m such...

Prickly But Unprotected: 18 Percent of Cactus Species at Risk

Nearly a fifth of the world's cactus species are unprotected by the world's national parks and other conservation areas, making them one of the most at-risk groups of species on the planet,...

52 Percent of World’s Birds of Prey Populations in Decline

Grim news for the world's raptors—an iconic group of birds consisting of hawks, falcons, kites, eagles, vultures and owls. After analyzing the status of all 557 raptor species, biologists discovered that 18 percent...

Japan Killed 50 Whales in Antarctic Protected Area, Data Shows

Japanese whalers have killed more than 50 minke whales in an Antarctic marine protection area this year, WWF has revealed. The disclosure comes on the opening day of the International Whaling Commission’s annual...

Dublin Airport Flies High with Energy Efficient Lighting Savings

Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) has achieved cost savings of around €80,000 (£71,785) following an energy efficiency upgrade. It installed 304 LED lights in the multi-storey car parks and 386 in the surface car...

Geoengineering Would Hurt Earth’s Crops More Than It Would Help Them, Says Study

Think geoengineering is a great way to reverse the effects of climate change? Well, we might want to push pause on those plans. According to a study published Wednesday in the journal...

UK Could Run out of Food a Year from Now with No-Deal Brexit, NFU Warns

Britain would run out of food on this date next year if it cannot continue to easily import from the EU and elsewhere after Brexit, the National Farmers’ Union has warned.Minette Batters,...

Europe’s Microwave Ovens Emit Nearly As Much CO2 As 7m Cars

The biggest impact comes from electricity used to power the microwaves, but study also highlights rising environmental cost of our throwaway culture. Popping frozen peas into the microwave for a couple of minutes...

Pay More Attention to Forests to Avert Global Water Crisis, Researchers Urge

Australia's Murray Darling basin covers more than a million square kilometers (approximately 386,000 square miles), 14 percent of the country's landmass. It's the site of tens of thousands of wetlands, but increasing...

Earth’s Resources Consumed in Ever Greater Destructive Volumes

Humanity is devouring our planet’s resources in increasingly destructive volumes, according to a new study that reveals we have consumed a year’s worth of carbon, food, water, fibre, land and timber in...

Sea Level Rise Could Sink Internet Infrastructure

Sea level rise may be coming for your Internet.The first ever study to look at the impact of climate change on the Internet found that more than 4,000 miles of fiber optic...

New York State to Procure 800MW of Offshore Wind Power

New York State has announced a plan to procure around 800MW of offshore wind power by 2019. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo said the move would support its goals of owning 2,400MW of new...

Rising Ocean Waters from Global Warming Could Cost Trillions of Dollars

Ocean waters are rising because of global warming. They are rising for two reasons. First, and perhaps most obvious, ice is melting. There is a tremendous amount of ice locked away in...



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