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REECO Holding named a new management in REECO SRB

REECO Holding  named a new management of the office, responsible for Western Balkans activities in Novi Sad. Ms. Ljiljana A. Milanković, is the new project manager of REECO in Serbia. Plans for 2017...

Electric Cars Pose ‘Resoundingly Negative’ Threat to Oil Companies: Analyst Fitch

So far, though, the oil industry hasn't seemed to give plug-in electric cars much attention. ExxonMobil and OPEC have both predicted that, even by 2040, electric cars will make up less than...

Construction Completed on the Largest Solar Grid in the Midwest

Minnesota is now home to the largest solar energy facility in the Midwest. The North Star Solar Project spans 1,000 acres near North Branch and is made up more than 440,000 solar panels....

DOE Charts Show Why Climate Doom and Gloom Isn’t Needed

A new report from the US Department of Energy paints a bright picture for our prospects to cut carbon pollution and prevent the most dangerous levels of climate change. The report looked...

Climate Guru Tells Calif. Governor Not To Close Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant

On Thursday,a letter to Governor Jerry Brown of California, about how nuclear energy was essential to fighting global warming, was sent by Dr. James Hansen and the leading climate scientists in the...

Massachusetts Sets Offshore Target

Massachusetts has adopted an energy bill that requires utilities to contract 1.6GW of offshore wind power by July 2027. It is the first legislation of its kind that includes a carve-out for offshore...

The smart money is going green

Last month, the world reached a landmark agreement on climate change in Paris. This week, business leaders gathered in Davos for the World Economic Forum need to start breathing life into that...

Greenpeace: Investment in Nuclear Power Plants is Expensive

Greenpeace activists from eight countries, during the International Conference on Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE), held in Portorož, sent the message, "Nuclear fairy tale, costly reality!" In a referendum to be held...

IEA policy review highlights UK leadership on climate policy and emission reduction efforts

The IEA regularly conducts reviews of the energy and related climate policies of its member countries and provides recommendations – a process that supports energy policy development and encourages the exchange of...

Australia is Building the World’s Largest Solar Area

The world's largest solar area project, named the Australia-Asia Power Link, will power three million households and is located in the Northern Territory of this continent. The project has already received the...

The RES SERBIA 2024 Conference Announces new Investments for a Greener Serbia

Which wind and solar power plants will participate in auctions for market premiums, how European manufacturers of wind generators, solar panels and other equipment are fighting with competition from China, and what...

PV Power Plants on Flat Roofs

Designing and planning rooftop PV plants is one of the most challenging steps towards the realization of your dreams of having green energy produced by sunlight. Hardly any rooftop project is more...

German state approves gas drilling project in North Sea

The controversial extraction of natural gas in the North Sea near the German island of Borkum is moving closer to becoming a reality after a responsible authority gave its approval. The Office for...

Can Government Partnerships Support Responsible and Reliable Critical Mineral Supply Chains?

As governments look to transition away from fossil fuels and accelerate the deployment of clean energy, policy makers are dedicating more attention to securing supplies of critical minerals. Materials such as copper, lithium,...

EU Tightens Measures on Industrial Emissions

The European Union has made significant progress in its environmental protection policy by updating the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), which comes into effect on August 4, 2024, and has evolved into the...

Investing In Sustainable Management of RES

Serbia will accomplish the green transition of its energy sector through the increase of renewable energy sources, the improvement of power grids and energy storage, the promotion of fuels with zero carbon...



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