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Not Business as Usual in Europe’s Largest Fishing Port

On almost any given day, at four-thirty in the morning, while most people are still sleeping, Europe’s biggest fishing port in Vigo, Spain is in full swing.In normal times of operation, shouts...

Home School with a Virtual Dive into the Ocean

Remote diving is the new remote working. Schools, events and activities in so much of the world have come to a standstill in the wake of COVID-19, with little or no movement recommended....

Science Is the True Driving Force of Technology

It may not matter much to one navigation user on a mobile phone what happens to the electrons in the phone chip after touching the screen. However, for an engineer-researcher, things are...

Panasonic Is Building a Comprehensive Energy Management System for Homeowners

Panasonic’s batteries underpin the electric vehicle revolution as we know it today, thanks to an early partnership to supply its 18650 lithium-ion cells from Japan to Tesla for its Model S and...

Oil Price Volatility Will Give a Boost to Renewables

Everyone loves low prices, but what the business community values most of all is predictability. The recent volatility in global oil markets — spearheaded by a fight to the death between Saudi...

A Genuine Artificial Leaf – New Source of Clean Energy?

The race to create a genuine artificial leaf has heated up to the boiling point. The latest development is a new device that looks like a greenish tile the size of a...

Air Pollution Goes Down as Europe Takes Hard Measures to Combat Coronavirus

The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) data confirm large decreases in air pollutant concentrations — of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations in particular — largely due to reduced traffic and other activities, especially in...

Virus Which Causes COVID-19 Threatens Great Ape Conservation

Both great ape research and tourism have allowed people to learn about chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans, and to observe them from a close proximity. Great ape tourism also serves as an...

The Hidden Risks Nature Loss Poses for Businesses

Nature loss is still a hidden risk for many businesses. This must change - both for the sake of businesses and the environment. Here are four actions businesses can take to...

How to Move More People in Fewer Vehicles

Shared mobility services have the potential to dramatically reduce levels of congestion and pollution in our cities. For maximum benefit, these services must be integrated with public transport systems. The technology...

The Wonder Trees That Nurture Marine Biodiversity

This 2020 theme for the International Day of Forests on 21 March is Forests and Biodiversity. It's an often-quoted fact that forests are home to 80 per cent of terrestrial biodiversity, but...

Economic Slowdown as a Result of COVID Is No Substitute for Climate Action

Efforts to control the Coronavirus pandemic have reduced economic activity and led to localized improvements in air quality. But it is too early to assess the implications for concentrations of greenhouse gases...

Flash Flood Guidance System Saves Lives

Flash floods cause more than 5,000 deaths worldwide annually, exceeding any other flood-related event.  They have enough power to change the course of rivers, bury houses in mud, and sweep away or...

Not a Waste of Breath

Although it is imposed on him, due to his job and career, to watch seas and oceans from a different perspective than most people and, therefore, he notices what is hidden on...

Global Light Pollution Is Affecting Ecosystems – What Can We Do?

For hundreds of millions of years, the web of life on land has been dependent on, and determined by, day and night, light and dark. Photosynthesis, the process by which plants grow,...

Signs and Impacts of Climate Change in Atmosphere, Land and Oceans Are Rising

The tell-tale physical signs of climate change such as increasing land and ocean heat, accelerating sea level rise and melting ice are highlighted in a new report compiled by the World Meteorological...



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