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China Donates Thousands of Solar Power Generating Systems to Nepal

China on Sunday donated more than 32,000 solar power generating systems to Nepal to enhance its domestic capacity in combating climate change and to provide electricity to communities that have not had...

Climate Change and Weather Extremes: Both Heat and Cold Can Kill

Climate change is increasing the frequency and strength of some types of extreme weather in the U.S., particularly heat waves. Last summer the U.S. Southwest experienced life-threatening heat waves, which are especially...

ABB Automated Fast Charging System for Electric City Buses

With increasing air pollution levels and stronger public commitment to clean transportation, electric city buses offer an ideal opportunity to improve life in cities, while also reducing operational costs. ABB’s automated fast...

Ivan Smiljkovic: A Bank with a Clear Development Orientation always Stands with Business People

The professional Jury of Novi Sad fair declared this year ProCredit Bank as the best bank in agribusiness standing commitment of this financial institution to support domestic agricultural producers who persistently and...

All Renewables Will Be Cost Competitive With Fossil Fuels by 2020

Generating electricity from renewable energy sources is not only better for the environment compared to fossil fuels, but it will also be consistently cheaper in just a few years, according to a...

Average Temperatures In Alaska In December Shatter Existing Record

Climate scientists have been warning us for decades that global warming will affect polar regions first. If that is so — assuming those scientists are not all being paid by the Chinese...

Urban Farming Key in Fight Against Hunger and Climate Change

The urban farms sprouting up and across cities around the world aren't just feeding mouths—they are "critical to survival" and a "necessary adaptation" for developing regions and a changing climate, according to...

‘Clean Energy Is a Fundamental Civil Right’: Major Campaign to Expand Access to Solar

The NAACP is launching a major environmental justice campaign on Jan. 13 to mark the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service. The "Solar Equity Initiative" aims to provide solar job skills training...

Clean Technology Is an Exportation Leverage of the Greenest Country in the World

Having been investing in the health sector and environmental protection for decades, Finland is now highly ranked among the world’s leading countries with the most advanced standards of environmental protection and health...

Beijing Meets Air Quality Improvement Goals With Crackdown on Polluters

Beijing successfully lowered air pollution levels following a crackdown on polluters last year, bringing China's capital in line with air quality targets, according to Chinese officials. The announcement Wednesday by the Beijing Municipal...

Vehicles are Now America’s Biggest CO2 Source but EPA is Tearing Up Regulations

Some of the most common avatars of climate change - hulking power stations and billowing smokestacks - may need a slight update. For the first time in more than 40 years, the...

Miroslav Tadić: The United Nations Strongly Support the Transition of Serbia towards Ecomobility

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is helping the transition of the Republic of Serbia through the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which define priority areas of development in the...

Organic Farming Could Feed the World, But…

The United Nations estimates the global population will reach more than 9 billion by 2050, and, by some estimates, agricultural output will have to increase by 50 percent to feed all of...

Energy Portal Editorial Board Wishes You Happy New Year! (VIDEO)

In 2018, we wish for more ecohealth and sustainable development in our parks, forests and farmland, more ecomobility on our streets and roads, greener architecture in our cities, and for all of...

Worst Wildfire in California History Threatens State’s Climate Goals

As predicted, the Thomas Fire in Southern California was officially declared the largest wildfire in state history, surpassing the 2003 Cedar Fire which burned 273,246 acres and killed 15 people. The vast blaze,...

Green Tech Will Be Everywhere in 2018: Politics Cannot Stop the Revolution

In 2017, clean power gathered unprecedented momentum. Multiple automakers launched entire families of electric vehicles (EVs), including the most exciting one yet, Tesla's Model 3. With climate change problems mounting, national and local...



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