Search results for:Red Sea

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There Are No Winners in the Illegal Trade in Wildlife

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, or CITES, is an international treaty with 183 Parties–182 states plus the European Union.  It is one of the...

Insects Populations Have Been Declining for Nearly 100 Years, Study Reveals

Insect populations have been steadily changing over recent years. A new study, based on 41 countries across 5 continents has found that land-based insects have been declining at a rate of...

3 Ways the Ancient World Embraced the Circular Economy

Scientists show the circular economy has roots in ancient history. Broken ceramics, Roman recycling and melting down glass all happened thousands of years ago. Going circular could generate as much as...

Environmentally Conscious Tourists Are Attracted to Eco-Friendly Destinations

If you are a fan of unspoiled nature hidden between the Montenegrin mountains and the Adriatic Sea, surely it must have happened to you, at least once, to be stuck for hours...

Here Is What COVID-19 Teaches Us About ‘Social Learning’ and the Environment

The dire social and economic impact of COVID-19 could worsen environmental destruction in the long run. But the pandemic is also teaching us how to use individual choices to tackle a...

The Delicate Relationship Between People, Wildlife and the Pathogens

In the past, coronaviruses that circulated in humans caused only mild infections. This changed in 2002, when the SARS-CoV virus presented itself in humans as the disease we now know as SARS....

Initiative in Indjija

Life in a local community can be much better if it fosters a collective spirit and turns criticism into action, as eight students from Indjija demonstrated by founding the Association Indjijativa. For...

Waste Glass in a Whole New Ballgame

Recycling raw materials mostly have limited use, especially when it comes to glass. Although it is generally thought that new glass products, which are of the same structure (such as jars, bottles,...

Ford Is Making Reusable Gowns From Airbag Materials

Automakers are putting their engineering and fabrication skills to use in the fight against COVID-19 as they can, it seems. Some, like Tesla, are re-purposing existing parts to help patients and medical...

The Biggest Fall in Carbon Emissions Since WW2 Could Be Short-Lived

Experts warn that without structural change, emissions declines caused by coronavirus could be short-lived as economies get back to normal.* Emissions have to peak in 2020 to hit climate goals* Experts differ...

WMO Is Concerned About Impact of COVID-19 on Observing System

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is concerned about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quantity and quality of weather observations and forecasts, as well as atmospheric and climate monitoring.WMO’s Global...

3D-Printed Coral Mimics Nature

Most of us have heard that coral reefs around the world are dying, largely because of warmer ocean temperatures and the increased acidity of seawater, but few people realize why that is...

What to Do With Healthcare Waste?

Interview with Keith Alverson, Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) International Environmental Technology Centre in Osaka, Japan. The Centre has produced a Compendium of Technologies for Treatment/Destruction of Healthcare Waste,...

Arctic Ozone Depletion Tracks at Record Levels

Depletion of the ozone layer, ­ the shield that protects life on Earth from harmful levels of ultraviolet radiation, ­is at an unprecedented  level over large parts of the Arctic this spring....

Innovative Sustainable Solutions

Ecology and environmental conservation are known as one of the fields of science and life. However, climate change and awareness of the consequences of human activities indicate the growing need to intensify...

Waste Management an Essential Public Service in the Fight to Beat COVID-19

With the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic continuing to spread and its impacts upon human health and the economy intensifying day-by-day, governments are urged to treat waste management, including of medical, household and...



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