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Pakistan To Finally Embrace Solar Power Auctions

Perhaps motivated by the massive crash in the solar power tariff bids across the world, Pakistan is set to shift from feed-in tariff mechanism to competitive auctions in the solar power sector. Pakistan’s...

5 Cities Leading the Charge on Climate Action

The sheer number of people who live in cities now and who are expected to move into them in the coming years is startling. Around two-thirds of the world's population is predicted...

Renewables Roadshow: How Daylesford’s Windfarm Took Back the Power

From the fertile spud-growing country of Hepburn Shire, 90km northwest of Melbourne, has sprung what many hope will become a revolution in renewable energy in Australia. On Leonards Hill, just outside the town...

Jaguar Land Rover Revs Up 100 Per Cent Renewables Deal with EDF

Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) has become the latest high profile firm to confirm it will source all its power from renewable sources, having last week inked a major long term purchase agreement...

Climate Change Impacts are Already Hitting us, Say Europeans

The citizens of four major European countries think the impacts of climate change such as severe floods and storms are already affecting them, according to a major new polling study. The research dispels...

Solar Power Growth Doubled in 2016 Driven by China and US Demand

The amount of new solar power capacity installed worldwide rocketed by 50 per cent last year, driven by increasing demand from both the US and China, according to new data. Global solar PV...

Swiss Scientists Developed Effective and Low-Cost Solution for Storing Solar Energy

How can we store solar energy for period when the sun doesn’t shine? One solution is to convert it into hydrogen through water electrolysis. The idea is to use the electrical current...

Zero-Carbon Home Generates Income by Making More Energy than it Needs

The home of the future could slash your utility bills and generate enough money to help pay the mortgage. UK firm Koru Architects designed and built one such house, named the Lloyd...

Ecotricity Confirms Green Light for Latest Wind Farm

Ecotricity has said it plans to finish construction of its 6.9MW Alveston wind farm in Gloucestershire by the end of the year, capping a week of progress for the UK's onshore wind...

Analysts: UK Carbon Emissions Hit Lowest Levels Since 1920s

UK carbon emissions last year reached their lowest level since the general strikes and the Wall Street Crash of the 1920s pushed emissions to a record low. That is the conclusion of a...

New York Ski Resorts Aim for 100 Percent Renewable Energy

New York's three state-owned ski resorts are pledging to generate 100 percent of their energy from renewable sources by the year 2030. Gov. Andrew Cuomo says the commitment to transition Belleayre, Gore and...

Climate Scientists Say Likelihood of Extreme Summers Surging Due to Global Warming

New South Wales, which has just experienced its hottest summer on record, is 50 times more likely to experience another similarly hot summer and 10 times more likely to experience extremely hot...

Australia Could Achieve 100 pct Renewable Energy with Hydro Storage: Research

Pumped hydro power, where water is pumped uphill and stored to generate hydroelectric electricity on demand, could help transform Australian into a 100 percent green energy nation, according to researchers at the...

Shell Launches its First Hydrogen Refuelling Station in the UK

Shell announces the launch of its first hydrogen refuelling station in the UK at its Cobham service station on the M25. The new hydrogen station has been supplied by ITM Power and...

This Danish School Has Installed The World’s Largest Solar Facade

A new building in Copenhagen is covered by 12,000 colourful solar tiles, making it one of the largest building-integrated solar power plants in Denmark. The tiles completely cover the building and will provide...

EnBW Hohe See 500 MW Offshore Wind Farm To Proceed With Siemens & Enbridge

The 497 megawatt EnBW Hohe See offshore wind farm off the coast of Germany is set to proceed following Canadian energy infrastructure company Enbridge’s decision to invest in the project, and German...



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