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Energy Efficiency Should Be Placed on a Level Playing Field in the Clean Energy Incentive Program

Despite the fact that energy efficiency is generally the least-cost option for states looking to comply with the Clean Power Plan, it has yet to be fully considered as a strategy for...

Electric Vehicles Will Help the Shift Toward EU’s Green Transport Future

A large scale roll-out of electric cars on European roads would result in significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions and lower levels of certain air pollutants, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA)...

To Avoid the Worst Climate Impacts, Obama Tells Leo DiCaprio, ‘We’re Really in a Race Against Time’

Capping a day-long futurist fair and alternative music fest on the South Lawn of the White House on Monday, President Obama told actor Leonardo DiCaprio and atmospheric scientist Katharine Hayhoe “we’re really...

IEA Encourages Turkey to Deepen Energy Market Reforms

Since the last IEA in-depth review in 2009, Turkey has made significant progress in reforming its energy sector. Completing the reforms will allow Turkey to tap into its renewable and energy efficiency...

Serbia has remarkable wind-based energy generation potential

Energy portal had chance to meet in Novi Sad Mr Henk van den Dool, ambassador of Netherlands in Serbia. We talk to him during  the fair “International days of energetics and investment”...

Obama power plant rules face key test in U.S. court

The centerpiece of President Barack Obama's climate change strategy, federal rules curbing greenhouse gas emissions mainly from coal-fired power plants, faces a key test on Tuesday when opponents try to convince a...

Planes Need to Stop Existing in a Parallel Universe when it Comes to the Climate Fight

Curbing flight emissions is essential to meeting the Paris pact, but planes are completely absent from the text, face no legal fuel efficiency requirements or limits on CO2 emissions. But all that...

Methane Progress Should Guide Regulatory Approach

API Upstream Group Director Erik Milito discussed ongoing industry efforts to reduce methane emissions and the risk to emissions reductions progress posed by adding new layers of regulation during testimony this week...

100 Countries Push to Phase out Potentially Disastrous Greenhouse Gas

A loose coalition of more than 100 countries, including the US and European nations, is pushing for an early phase-out of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), a powerful greenhouse gas that if left unchecked is...

The key challenge for Serbia is to move toward low carbon economy

The author of the text: Miroslav Tadić, UNDP Based on the state of environmental infrastructure  in  the  Republic  of  Serbia  and  the  extrapolation  of  the situation in the countries that have recently become...

Pump CO2 Into Rocks Under The North Sea, Ministers Told

The huge undertaking would require planning not seen since the 2012 Olympics. Parliamentary advisors have urged the government to invest in a vast network of pipes designed to store CO2 in rocks under...

Cities Are at the Frontline of the Energy Transition

Cities dominate energy demand, and by extension are responsible for a significant share of carbon emissions. In 2013, the world’s urban areas accounted for about 64% of global primary energy use and...

Helping Kenya introduce county-level energy planning based on renewable resources

Participants from 33 counties attended a training course on sustainable energy, organized by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology in the capital...

What would it take to get Australia to 100-percent renewable energy?

What would it take to convert an entire country to 100-percent renewable energy? How about a country that occupies an entire continent? Australian climate think tank Beyond Zero Emissions is publishing a...

UK’s Carbon Footprint Rises 3%

The “carbon footprint” for the pollution caused by UK consumption has increased slightly, official figures show. The amount of greenhouse gases linked to goods and services consumed by UK households, including emissions from...

Scientists Turn CO2 Into Fuel With Solar Power

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago believe that they've perfected the art of photosynthetic solar cells. It's a technology that mimics a plant's ability to inhale carbon dioxide and, with...



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