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Global warming could stave off next ice age for 100,000 years
Global warming is likely to disrupt a natural cycle of ice ages and contribute to delaying the onset of the next big freeze until about 100,000 years from now, scientists said on...
Sensor network can detect exact location and size of ocean pollution
In the future, when fossil fuels are no longer the leading source of energy around the world and oil platforms aren't pumping oil from beneath the ocean floor, we won't have to...
Small nations, renewable giants
Uruguay gets 94.5% of its electricity from renewables. In addition to old hydropower plants, a hefty investment in wind, biomass and solar in recent years has raised the share of these sources...
Climate Change Conference in Kragujevac
On Thursday 1st October, 2015 in Kragujevac a Conference was held under the name “Local communities – key actors in the fight climate change in Serbia” within the set of activities “Ecological...