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Geothermal-Powered Ferry Terminal in Stockholm Has a Public Park on Its Roof

The recently completed ferry terminal in Stockholm is a cross between an urban park and a departing ship. Residents of Stockholm can use the roof of the terminal, designed by C.F. Møller,...

‘The Heat is There’: Is There a Future for Geothermal Energy in Australia?

In July 2010, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (Arena) took a $32m gamble on geothermal energy, investing in Australia’s first demonstration of geothermal electricity generation. Six years later, the wells in South Australia’s...

Poverty-Fighting Organizations Ready to Speak Out on Coal

A year ago, a group of poverty-fighting organizations from the global North and South, including our own, began a discussion about coal. We were keenly aware of how important energy is to improving...

Encouraging Results from ABB’s Hybrid Renewable Microgrids

Low-carbon microgrids have assumed a place in the strategic agendas of some of the world's largest power and industrial engineering corporations. That includes Swedish-Swiss ABB, whose roots in the now fast moving...

Electric Cars Pose ‘Resoundingly Negative’ Threat to Oil Companies: Analyst Fitch

So far, though, the oil industry hasn't seemed to give plug-in electric cars much attention. ExxonMobil and OPEC have both predicted that, even by 2040, electric cars will make up less than...

Mexico’s Energy Reform Is Set to Revitalise an Ailing Sector and Boost the Economy, IEA Report Says

Mexico’s wide-ranging energy reform, which began in 2013, is expected to reverse the country’s declining oil production, increase the share of renewables in the power sector, and slow the growth in carbon...

Environmental Group Calls for Electric Car Infrastructure

Members of environmental groups and electric car owners gathered at The Peacock Inn in Princeton on Monday to call for increased electric car infrastructure in New Jersey. They also touted a study with...

Renewable Energy World Announces Finalists, Honorable Mentions for 2016 Project of the Year Awards

PennWell Corporation and Renewable Energy World are pleased to announce our 2016 Renewable Energy Project of the Year Finalists. Projects are nominated by the industry and finalists are selected by a committee...

Energy Efficient Prosperity: Green Buildings

A couple of years ago, the Ngewana family sat around the kitchen table of their Cape Town home and set themselves a target: over the next six months, they would try to...

Air Pollution more Deadly in Africa than Malnutrition or Dirty Water, Study Warns

Africa’s air pollution is causing more premature deaths than unsafe water or childhood malnutrition, and could develop into a health and climate crisis reminiscent of those seen in China and India, a...

Green Subsidies to Push UK Energy Bills Higher than Planned

Household energy bills in four years’ time will be £17 higher annually than planned because of the number of windfarms and solar panels installed in recent years, according to the government’s spending...

Plans for an Electric Car Charging Point in Every New Home in Europe

Car manufacturers welcome plans by the EU to boost the convenience of electric cars by increasing recharging facilities. Every new or refurbished house in Europe will need to be equipped with an electric...

DOE Charts Show Why Climate Doom and Gloom Isn’t Needed

A new report from the US Department of Energy paints a bright picture for our prospects to cut carbon pollution and prevent the most dangerous levels of climate change. The report looked...

Large Renewable Energy Procurement Suspension to Hit Energy from Waste in Ontario

Ontario’s Ministry of Energy is to immediately suspend the second round of its Large Renewable Procurement process and the Energy-from-Waste Standard Offer Program, halting procurement of over 1000 MW of waste to...

Spain Closes In on 50 Percent Renewable Power Generation

Over the first eight months of this year, Spain averaged an impressive 47.2 percent renewable energy share in its generation mix. The achievement was reported by Spanish electricity transmission system operator, Red...

New York City Sets the First Citywide Energy Storage Target

Only two U.S. states, California and Massachusetts, have set targets for energy storage deployments. Now New York City has joined them. The city government unveiled a storage goal of 100 megawatt-hours by 2020...



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