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Ontario’s wind energy plan ignored impact on rural communities study says

The 2009 Green Energy Act gave little thought to the transformation that wind farms bring to rural communities — problems that even revisions to the act “will only partially address,” writes a...

World’s Largest Development Banks Raise $81Bln to Tackle Climate Change

Six of the world’s largest multilateral development banks (MDBs) rounded up $81 billion last year to finance climate change action, their joint report released Tuesday showed. "In 2015, the MDBs collectively committed more...

Massachusetts Sets Offshore Target

Massachusetts has adopted an energy bill that requires utilities to contract 1.6GW of offshore wind power by July 2027. It is the first legislation of its kind that includes a carve-out for offshore...

US Solar Energy Industries Association Releases New Land Leasing Guide

The US Solar Energy Industries Association has published a new guide for landowners interested in leasing their land for use by solar developers. The SEIA Guide to Land Leases for Solar is a...

Heineken Launches Interactive Sustainability Report

Heineken has released a new sustainability report, and also an interactive experience that not only promotes the company's achievements, but also encourages the visitor to go further. Called Brewing a Better World,...

ABB Sells First Order for 15-Second Bus Charging

Last week, the U.S. government pledged to push the electric-vehicle industry toward charging a car in less than 10 minutes. Now, that sounds like a long time. In Switzerland, a new line of...

Leonardo Dicaprio Foundation Makes Historic Grant Announcement

LDF announces its largest-ever portfolio of environmental grants, increasing the organization’s total direct financial giving to over $59 million since 1998. Additionally, after a period of increased grantmaking and a goal of...

We Are Developing on the Basis of Maximum Optimization of our Processes

The basis of socially responsible functioning of each company is the fact that it becomes aware of the importance and necessity of its own impact on improving general social conditions and the...

Revealed: Vatican Bank Officials Tied to Fossil Fuels

Two Vatican Bank board members have financial links to the fossil fuels industry, with one reported to have donated to a leading climate sceptic organisation, according to an Energydesk investigation. The news comes...

Why Brexit May Be Good News for World’s First Tidal Lagoons

Plans for the world’s first tidal lagoons off the coast of South Wales could be bolstered by Britain’s exit from the European Union, according to the developer pledging thousands of new jobs...

New IEA report maps Chinese investments in Africa’s power sector

Chinese companies are playing an increasingly significant role in the development of the power sector in sub-Saharan Africa, and accounted for 30% of new capacity additions in the region over the last...

Financing the Future

In 2015, $286 billion was invested in renewable energy. That is an enormous sum of money by many measurements, but is it enough, and are we on track to meet the energy...

Mexico, Canada, U.S. to Make Clean Power Pledge

The U.S., Mexico and Canada are expected to pledge Wednesday to collectively generate 50 percent of their electricity from zero-carbon sources by 2025, according to White House officials. The agreement is expected to...

Marks & Spencer Crowdfunds Solar Panels for its Stores

Marks & Spencer is using crowdfunding to back the installation of solar panels on its stores. The retailer is partnering with Energy4All, a not-for-profit group that helps community groups set up energy co-ops,...

Alaska Continues to Bake, on Track For Hottest Year

Alaska just can’t seem to shake the fever it has been running. This spring was easily the hottest the state has ever recorded and it contributed to a year-to-date temperature that is...

CO2 Turned into Stone in Iceland in Climate Change Breakthrough

Carbon dioxide has been pumped underground and turned rapidly into stone, demonstrating a radical new way to tackle climate change. The unique project promises a cheaper and more secure way of burying CO2...



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