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Pink and Green Are the Colours of Love!

Sabac is located in the north of northeastern Serbia, and it covers an area of 795 square kilometres inhabited by around 130 thousand people. Its citizens speak proudly about towns’ past –...

UN Predicts Dire Future for Planet Unless People Change Their Ways Now

Mother Earth got a bad health report from the United Nations this week, and the scientific team that conducted the exam didn’t shirk from delivering the bad news. The word “dire” comes...

European Commission Concludes Palm Oil Is Environmentally Damaging

The European Commission has concluded palm oil is environmentally damaging and results in excessive deforestation.The decision means it is likely to be removed from transport biofuels as it will not contribute to...

Could US Overtake Saudi Arabia as World’s Top Oil Exporter?

The US will start exporting more oil than Russia and could potentially overtake Saudi Arabia as the world’s top exporter in the next five years.The forecast from the International Energy Agency (IEA)...

Lidl Trials Removal of 9p Plastic Bags in Wales

Lidl is trialling the removal of 9p plastic bags from 54 of its shops in Wales.The brand says it discovered the cheap reusable bags were frequently being used just once before being...

Growing Meat in the Lab Isn’t Such a Good Idea – Yet

People love meat. The trouble is that meat production, especially red meat production, is a major driver of climate change and environmental destruction. Red meat requires 28 times more land to produce...

Scientists Have an Inkling Squids Could Help Cut Plastic Pollution

A recently-discovered squid protein could be used to stop microplastic fibres leaking into the environment. A review published in Frontiers in Chemistry, conducted by scientists at Penn State University in US, suggests material...

Delta Inzenjering

Twenty-nine years of successful work and personnel profile of the company make Delta inzenjering an indispensable partner of the largest economic system in Serbia, such as NIS, EPS, Zelezara Smederevo, RTB Bor....

Tesla’s Latest Acquisition Means Better Batteries for Its Future Cars

EV owners know what it's like to live with range anxiety, but Tesla's latest investment might make those travel concerns easier to live with. The company confirmed its plans to purchase San...

One Man’s Trash Is a Treasure for an Expert in Circular Economy

During the September and October of this year, the Academy of Circular Economy is being held in cooperation with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the company “CirEkon”, which suggests one of...

NEW DELICATESSEN – Natural and Sun-Kissed

Pompon sun-dried paste is designed as a healthy, gluten-free alternative to classic pasta. Fresh pumpkin, by specially designed process of cutting into strips and natural drying process on sun and air, is...

Price of EVs ‘Could Be Same as Petrol and Diesel by 2021’

The cost of owning an electric vehicle (EV) could match petrol and diesel cars in the next five years. That’s according to new research by Deloitte, which reveals consumer concerns over the upfront...

U.S. Oil and Gas Industry Is Drilling Us Towards Climate Disaster

As the 116th Congress commences, in the wake of dire reports from climate scientists, the debate over U.S. climate policies has taken a welcome turn towards bold solutions. Spurred on by grassroots pressure from Indigenous communities, the...

600+ Environmental Groups Urge Congress to Phase Out Fossil Fuels

On Thursday more than 600 environmental groups called on the U.S. House of Representatives to pursue ambitious climate legislation that matches the scale and urgency of the climate crisis.The groups' letter calls for a thoughtful...

Fossil Fuels and Climate Denial Still Reign in Louisiana Despite Scientists’ Dire Warnings

Louisiana is ground zero for the devastating impacts of climate change. Even though the state is already feeling the costly impacts to life and property due to extreme weather and an eroding coastline linked to...

Electric Car Batteries Will Come Cheaper and Charge Faster

Electric vehicles continue to be rather pricey for which their batteries are largely to blame. Encouragingly, though, in a win-win-win for electric car owners and prospective owners, developers are working on batteries that...



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