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The Cost of Climate INaction in the Agricultural Sector

This week key policymakers of the European Parliament discuss the EU’s largest climate instrument. Ahead of the debate, five organizations expose how a loophole in the law could significantly increase the costs...

Technology Roadmap: How2Guide for Bioenergy

Bioenergy is the largest source of renewable energy today, providing heat and electricity, as well as transport fuels. Yet, more so than for other low‑carbon energy technologies, the complex and multi‑faceted supply...

Commission Delivers on its Circular Economy Promises

One year after adopting its Circular Economy Package, the Commission has reported on delivery and progress to date, and tabled new ideas on waste management and investment. One year after adopting its Circular...

MEPs Back Higher Recycling Targets

MEPs on the EU's environment committee yesterday backed the adoption of more ambitious waste and recycling targets under the Circular Economy Package. The lawmakers voted to boost the municipal recycling target from 65...

Waste Management Outlook for Mountain Regions

Last week ISWA launched its latest publication “Waste Management Outlook for Mountain Regions”.This new publication is a cooperation with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC) and GRID-Arendal. The Waste...

IRENA Director Urges Faster Pace on Decarbonization

“As we advance deeper into a new energy paradigm, we need to pick-up the pace of our decarbonization efforts.” That was the message this week from the director-general of the International Renewable...

City of London Grants ClientEarth £100,000 to Expand Air Pollution Work

ClientEarth has been awarded £100,000 to expand its work tackling air pollution in the UK capital by the City of London Corporation's charity arm, City Bridge Trust. Announced late last week, the funding...

The Solar Cooker that Seeks Its Own Place in the Sun

Solar cookers need to be moved during the day, an inconvenience that leads to some being discarded. But what if a clever unit did its own sun tracking? Solar cookers have been promoted...

Solar-Powered Farm From a Box is a Compact Farm Kit that Feeds 150 People

Two acres of land is enough to farm a sustainable food supply for as many as 150 people, and now a San Francisco startup is making it even easier to get that...

Major Flooding in the UK now Likely Every Year, Warns Lead Climate Adviser

Major flooding in the UK is now likely to happen every year but ministers still have no coherent long-term plan to deal with it, the government’s leading adviser on the impacts of...

UN Biodiversity Conference Results in Significant Commitments for Action on Biodiversity

Governments agreed on actions that will accelerate implementation of global biodiversity targets, and enhance the linkage of the biodiversity agenda with other global agendas including the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate...

Methane from Livestock Nearing Worst-Case Scenario for Climate Change

Exhaust emissions from gasoline and diesel cars get a lot of attention from policymakers attempting to combat climate change. But another very large source of carbon emissions has nothing to do with...

A Place for Waste in 2017

In the United States, approximately 34 million tons of food is delivered to landfills annually, accounting for 35 percent of total landfill waste. Once in the landfill, this food slowly decomposes, emitting...

NOAA: ‘Arctic Is Warming at Least Twice as Fast as the Rest of the Planet’

The Arctic broke multiple climate records and saw its highest temperatures ever recorded this year, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) annual Arctic Report Card released Tuesday. The report shows...

Uncertainties Related to Climate Engineering Limit its Use in Curbing Climate Change

Climate engineering refers to the systematic, large-scale modification of the environment using various climate intervention techniques. However, a new study by VTT and the Finnish Meteorological Institute suggests that the uncertainties associated...

Green Gold: Growing Jet Fuel in the Desert

Thirty kilometres from the bustle of downtown Abu Dhabi, lies a remarkable undertaking that could one day change the environmental impact of air travel. Set on a two-hectare farm down the road from...



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