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Land and sea warmest in 2015: ‘State of the Climate’ report

Last year was the warmest year on record for land and sea, partly because seasonal El Nino climate patterns prevailed year-round, and melting ice pushed sea levels to the highest ever, a...

Spanish Wind Energy Association recognizes IEA Executive Director Birol

The Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE) awarded Dr Fatih Birol, the IEA’s Executive Director, its Annual Distinction in recognition of the IEA’s work in promoting renewable energy in Spain and across Europe....

World’s Largest Development Banks Raise $81Bln to Tackle Climate Change

Six of the world’s largest multilateral development banks (MDBs) rounded up $81 billion last year to finance climate change action, their joint report released Tuesday showed. "In 2015, the MDBs collectively committed more...

From Swords to Solar, a German Town Takes Control of its Energy

The German town of Saerbeck is a swords to solar panels story. Above this former German military ammunition camp, perched atop a metal stem like an oversized stalk of wheat, giant blades...

Good Emissions Trading Programs are Unique, Not One-Size-Fits-All

Climate change is a global problem — but its solution relies on national, regional, and local policy actions. Take the issue of greenhouse gas emissions markets, which put a price on, say,...

EPA Finding Clears Way for Limit on Aircraft Emissions

The Environmental Protection Agency on Monday declared that jet engine exhaust endangers public health by contributing to climate change, a key milestone as it works to develop regulations that will cut carbon...

Indigenous Peoples Central to Efforts to Combat Climate Change

Governments must do much more to provide the enabling conditions required for indigenous peoples, local communities, smallholders and their organizations to restore degraded landscapes and achieve climate change mitigation and adaptation in...

Green Finance is Key to Resolving Climate Change

Climate change is not just an environmental challenge — it is a fundamental threat to development in our lifetime. Without immediate action targeted at emissions reductions by the international community, climate change could result...

Groupe Renault Announces Carsharing Pilots with New Renault Mobility Services

Groupe Renault today announced Renault MOBILITY, which has been in its pilot phase since June 2016 at the La Défense site (France), in partnership with the Schumacher group Renault Bellini dealership. With...

These Are the Cities where the Fewest People Drive to Work

  Nearly 90% of Hong Kong’s residents commute without using a car, while more than 80% of Parisians travel to work on foot, by bike or using public transport, according to research outlined...

Montreal Protocol Negotiations to Phase-Down Climate Warming Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Enter Crunch Time

EU Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete will be in Vienna on 21-22 July to take part in negotiations on amending the Montreal Protocol to achieve a global reduction...

UN Secretary-General Invites All Member States to Event on 21 September

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has invited leaders from all countries to attend a special event on 21 September to deposit their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession to the Paris...

More than 8 Million People Were Employed Worldwide in the Renewable Sector

A boom in solar and wind power jobs in the US led the way to a global increase in renewable energy employment to more than 8 million people in 2015, according to...

San Francisco Just Took a Huge Step Towards Becoming a Zero-Waste City

Back in 2002, San Francisco adopted a “Zero-Waste” scheme. The scheme hopes to make San Francisco the first city of its size to achieve zero waste by 2020. They’ve made some pretty...

A Thirst for Power: The Water-Energy Nexus

We all know that when you mix water and electricity, the results are shocking, but there’s an important connection between the two that goes beyond the potential for bathroom tragedy. But here’s what’s...

Solar Energy to Power India of the Future

The World Bank Group is moving to help India deliver on its unprecedented plans to scale up solar energy, from installing solar panels on rooftops to setting up massive solar parks. This...



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