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Ontario Investing up to $900M in Energy Retrofits for Social Housing, Private Residential Apartment Buildings

Climate Change Action Plan will reduce GHGs, create jobs, support sustainable communities. Ontario is leading the fight against climate change by investing up to $900 million over four years from cap and trade...

Portugal Runs for Four Days Straight on Renewable Energy Alone

Zero emission milestone reached as country is powered by just wind, solar and hydro-generated electricity for 107 hours. Portugal kept its lights on with renewable energy alone for four consecutive days in a...

Germany Just Produced So Much Renewable Energy That It Had To Pay People To Use It

Electricity bills are often ludicrously high thanks to our energy-intensive modern world, but every now and then, thanks to the forces of nature, a metaphorical miracle takes place. As reported by Quartz,...

Renewable energy increased in 2015

Renewable generation capacity increased by 152 gigawatts (GW) or 8.3% during 2015, the highest annual growth rate on record, according to  new data released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Renewable...

Kula wind power plant to start delivering electricity, works at La Piccolina launched

MK-Fintel Wind’s 9.9 MW project in Serbia’s northwest will soon complete its test drive, started in late February. Ivan Stanisavljević, project manager, told Balkan Green Energy News the operator will start delivering...

England’s green power: East Riding best for wind while Cornwall tops solar

Analysis by Green Alliance has mapped onshore wind turbines and solar panel installations for the first time. The East Riding of Yorkshire is England’s top area for producing wind power, a new...

Got Denmark envy? Wait until you hear about its energy policies

Back in the early 1970s, Denmark got almost all its energy from imported oil. Then came the oil crisis, which, naturally, had a big impact. Political discussions throughout the '80s resulted in...

Sri Lanka Targets 100% Renewable Energy Share By 2030

Sri Lanka has given indications it intends to significantly increase the share of renewable energy in its electricity generation by the end of the next decade. Secretary to the Ministry of National...

Croatia has biggest rise in wind power in Southeastern Europe

Wind power capacity in 2015 increased 22% in Croatia, the most in the region, as the country added 76.2 MW, data published by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) show, SeeNews reported....

Statkraft, Credit Suisse Fund to Invest $1.2 Billion in Wind Power in Norway

Statkraft AS and partners including a Credit Suisse-backed fund will invest 1.1 billion euros ($1.2 billion) in wind power in central Norway, reviving a project after bringing down costs and boosting capacity....

EPS and KfW together to green energy, Arne Gooss, director of KfW bank in Serbia

For us, EPS is an important partner within our cooperation with Serbia. ЕPS is definitively on the right track to improve its future performance on market bases. The German development bank (KfW)...

Ministry’s assessment for wind park annulled

The Administrative Court in Split accepted Association BIOM’s law suit and declared invalid the decision of Croatia’s Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection to accept the construction of Bila Ploča wind power...

Malta investing in Montenegro Energy Sector

Investment in the wind farm at Možura hill is a first step of possible cooperation between Montenegro and Malta in energy sector, prime minister Milo Đukanović said, adding he is sure that...

Governor Cuomo Launches $5 Billion Clean Energy Fund to Grow New York’s Clean Energy Economy

Clean Energy Fund will advance solar, wind, energy efficiency and other clean tech industries to spur economic development and reduce harmful emissions. Today's unprecedented action will result in lower energy costs for...

China’s new wind power capacity hits record high

China's newly installed wind power capacity reached a record high in 2015 amid increasing efforts from the government to boost clean energy. The new wind power capacity jumped to 32.97 gigawatts last...

Can Germany reach its renewables target for the energy sector for 2020?

In 2015, German energy consumption rose by 1.3 percent according to preliminary figures published just before Christmas by the AGEB, an independent group of economists and the sector experts (press release). The...



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