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Egypt Set to Open Its First Solar Farm – and It’s the Largest in the World

Egypt has long relied on environmentally taxing fossil fuels. Over 90% of electricity is generated from oil and natural gas, and the country subsidizes fossil fuels, making them a cheap option for...

‘New World Record’: Imperial, California Felt Rain at 48°C

Southern California is not only sweltering under extreme heat, the city of Imperial actually witnessed rainfall when it was a scorching 48 degrees Celsius outside on July 24, weather experts observed.The bizarre...

Our Cellphone Addiction Is Turning Wireless Tech Into an Invisible Weapon That’s Destroying Wildlife

There is growing evidence that our addiction to cellphones could be impacting brain functionality and be the cause of stress, anxiety, insomnia and a lack of attention and focus. Now a new...

Study Finds New Reason to Ban Plastic: It Emits Methane in the Sun

The proliferation of plastic pollution has led to concerns over its impact on marine life and human health as the toxins it absorbs and emits move up the food chain. Now, a...

London Ranked Best City in World for EV Infrastructure

London councils are set to install another 2,630 charging points in the next financial year London is the best city in the world for electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure. That’s according to a new study...

A New Study Reveals that Urban Green Spaces May Be an Antidote to Depression

A recent study shows that symptoms of depression can be reduced for people who have access to green spaces. Researchers in Philadelphia transformed vacant lots in the city into green spaces and...

Climate Change Linked with Increased Suicide Rates

Climate change is likely to cause thousands of additional suicides in coming decades as the earth’s temperature soars, according to a new study. Global warming has already been implicated in the spread of diseases...

Is Your Popcorn Laced With Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals

No one should be exposed to toxic chemicals in their food, particularly children. But that's exactly what the Center for Environmental Health (CEH) found in tests of microwave popcorn bags sold in...

Will Climate Change Make the Next World Cup Too Hot to Handle

After four weeks of fanfare, the 2018 World Cup has come to a close. France's victory in Sunday's final marked the end of a summer filled with thrilling victories, surprise defeats, national...

Asthma Deaths Rise 25% amid Growing Air Pollution Crisis

A record number of people are dying of asthma, and experts have warned growing air pollution and a lack of basic care could be to blame.In England and Wales 1,320 people died...

The Availability of Resources and Information Leads to Energy Efficiency

South East Europe region (SEE) faces many difficulties in the energy sector as a result of its turbulent history, the decadence of infrastructure and collapse of national economies. Although energy prices in...

Can Norway Help Us Solve the Plastic Crisis, One Bottle at a Time?

Tens of thousands of brightly coloured plastic drinks bottles tumble from the back of a truck on to a conveyor belt before disappearing slowly inside a warehouse on the outskirts of Oslo.As...

From Harmful Ambrosia over Pellets to a Warm Home

The large family home belonging to Rade Vujic from Sitnes near Srpac in Republika Srpska is probably the only building in the entire area that is being heated by combustion of a...

These 5 Countries Account for 60% of Plastic Pollution in Oceans

Roughly 8 million tons of plastic is dumped into the world's oceans every year, and according to a new study, the majority of this waste comes from just five countries: China, Indonesia,...

School Dinner Campaign in the UK Puts Environmentally Intensive Foods in Detention

A new campaign has been launched to make school lunches healthier, cheaper and less environmentally intensive. The ‘School Plates’ scheme from food awareness organisation ProVeg UK aims to work with schools, local authorities...

Scientists Grow First Test-Tube Rhino Embryo in Bid to Save Northern White Rhinos from Extinction

When the world's last remaining male northern white rhino (NWR) died in March, it seemed like the end of the line for the most endangered mammal on the planet.But, in a bid...



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