Search results for:fossil energy

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China to Invest £292bn in Renewable Power by 2020

China will plough 2.5tn yuan (£292bn) into renewable power generation by 2020, the country’s energy agency has said, as the world’s largest energy market continues to shift away from dirty coal power...

Solar Power Becoming World’s Cheapest Form of Electricity Production, Analysts Say

Solar power is becoming the cheapest way to generate electricity, according to leading analysts. Data produced by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) showed the cost of solar in 58 lower-income countries – including...

Green Infrastructure Investment Set to Plummet 95 Per Cent by 2020

UK investment in renewables looks set to plummet by up to 95 per cent over the next three years, the think tank Green Alliance has warned in a new analysis of the...

Norway’s Biggest Oil Company to Build Huge Offshore Wind Farm Off Coast of New York

If everything goes to plan, New York City and Long Island will be harnessing the Atlantic Ocean's strong and dependable winds as a source of renewable energy. Norway's biggest oil company will be...

Barack Obama Bans Oil and Gas Drilling in Most of Arctic and Atlantic Oceans

Obama uses law that allows presidents to block sale of new offshore drilling and mining rights and makes it difficult for their successors to reverse decision. Barack Obama has permanently banned new oil...

It’s Official: Solar Is Becoming World’s Cheapest Form of New Electricity

For the first time, solar power is becoming the cheapest form of electricity production in the world, according to new statistics from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) released Thursday. While unsubsidized solar has...

No, Coal Isn’t Coming Back: the Reasons in 5 Charts

The coal industry is on the decline, but the reason for that decline has become a subject of political debate. Supporters of fossil fuels blame the energy policies of the outgoing Obama...

Renewables Produce More than Half of Denmark’s Electricity

While Donald Trump makes fossil fuels great again, Denmark has declared its independence from oil, coal and gas. The small Scandinavian nation intends to reach 100 percent renewable electricity by 2035 and...

U.S. Solar Surges in Record – Breaking Quarter

One megawatt of solar power was installed every 32 minutes in the U.S. from July to September, for a record total of 4,143 megawatts of new, clean energy, according to the Solar...

America’s First Offshore Wind Farm Goes Online

With the flip of a switch Monday, the country's first offshore wind power project began commercial operations. That's something to celebrate—and it's only the beginning for this abundant energy resource! Developed by U.S.-based...

Shell Prepares to Set Sail with Offshore Wind Investment as Consortium Secures Dutch Contract

The Netherlands' position as an emerging hub for low cost offshore wind farms received a further boost this week, as a consortium secured the rights to develop a new 700MW project with...

US Solar Shatters Records with Brightest Quarter Yet

The US has enjoyed a record-breaking quarter for solar power, installing 4.1GW of new capacity over a three month period and setting the country on track to add an impressive 14.1GW during...

Wind Farms Saved 36 Million Tonnes of Carbon Emissions over Six Years, Study Shows

Wind power has played a major role in cutting UK carbon emissions, preventing the creation of almost 36 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel sources over the six years...

Green Gold: Growing Jet Fuel in the Desert

Thirty kilometres from the bustle of downtown Abu Dhabi, lies a remarkable undertaking that could one day change the environmental impact of air travel. Set on a two-hectare farm down the road from...

European Support for Cheaper and Cleaner Heat and Power in Lithuania

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a EUR 190 million loan agreement with Lietuvos Energija for the greenfield construction of new combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plant in Vilnius. The project is expected to...

Shell to Link Executive Bonuses to Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Shell, Europe's largest oil company, has unveiled plans to link a slice of executive bonuses to its performance in curbing greenhouse gas emissions in response to shareholder pressure for it to better...



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