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US Solar Imports See Upswing With Solar Tariffs Waiting In The Wings

International manufacturers sent twice as many solar cells and modules to the US in November 2017 as November 2016. Solar panel importers are looking to capitalize on the robust market fundamentals ahead...

Low-Carbon Electricity Outstrips Fossil Fuel Electricity in 2017

2017 was a record-breaking year for clean electricity in the UK, with new analysis from Carbon Brief today revealing more power came from low-carbon sources than all fossil fuels combined for the...

Aleksandar Vranić: I Would Like to See Post of Serbia Have an Electrically Powered Fleet

Aleksandar Vranić with an MA in Economics, employed in the Economic and Procurement Service in PE “Post of Serbia”, participated in the conference “The construction of electric vehicle charging stations in urban...

Vehicles are Now America’s Biggest CO2 Source but EPA is Tearing Up Regulations

Some of the most common avatars of climate change - hulking power stations and billowing smokestacks - may need a slight update. For the first time in more than 40 years, the...

Green Tech Will Be Everywhere in 2018: Politics Cannot Stop the Revolution

In 2017, clean power gathered unprecedented momentum. Multiple automakers launched entire families of electric vehicles (EVs), including the most exciting one yet, Tesla's Model 3. With climate change problems mounting, national and local...

Solar Panels Are Replacing Diesel Fuel in Canada’s Far North

  The sun being a resource worth tapping into is now globally accepted, but how to do it in the most efficient way is still an ongoing conversation. The obvious choice is to...

100% Renewable Energy Worldwide Isn’t Just Possible—It’s Also More Cost-Effective

Transitioning the world to 100 percent renewable electricity isn't just some environmentalist pipe dream—it's "feasible at every hour throughout the year" and is more cost-effective than the current system, which largely relies...

China Has an Ambitious Five-Year Plan to Convert Homes to Clean Heating

China has taken several steps this year to curb its greenhouse gas emissions. The nation has tested new electric vehicles, shut down coal-burning factories, and moved forward on plans for “sponge cities”...

New York Unveils Radical Plans to Decarbonise State Pension Funds

New York has yesterday unveiled major plans to divest the state's public pension fund from "significant" fossil fuel investments as part of a plan to shift the investment of public money in...

Scotland promises 50 per cent clean energy by 2030 under first ever Energy Strategy

The Scottish government has unveiled sweeping new plans to scale up the use of renewable fuel in electricity, transport and heat across the country, under its first ever Energy Strategy. The Strategy, released...

‘Monumental’: China Launches National Emissions Trading System

China has today announced further details of its forthcoming national emissions trading scheme (ETS), revealing the rollout will start in the energy sector before full implementation from 2020 onwards. In a move that...

CCC Calls for Deep Waste and Energy CO2 Cuts in Wales’ Carbon Budgets

The UK's Committee on Climate Change has today given its recommendations for CO2 cuts in Wales over the next decade, setting out how the region can play a leading role in tackling...

London CO2 Cuts Must be ‘More Ambitious in Scale and Pace’, Mayoral Body Warns

London's economy has grown as greenhouse gas emissions have fallen over the past five years, but future decarbonisation in the capital will "need to be significantly more ambitious both in scale and...

Paris: World Bank Will No Longer Finance Oil and Gas Projects Starting from 2019

In a move meant to aid countries reach greenhouse gas-curbing targets set by the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit global warming, the World Bank has announced that it will stop financing oil...

Vattenfall First to Confirm Zero-Subsidy Bid in Dutch Wind Auction

The Netherlands has at least one 'subsidy-free' bidder for its offshore wind auction after Swedish utility Vattenfall confirmed on Friday its entry to the fray. Vattenfall is the first developer to confirm its...

Alberta (Tar Sands Capital Of The World) Invests In 600 MW Of Wind Power

Bill McKibben calls the Alberta tar sands a “carbon bomb.” Not only does it require huge quantities of energy to separate the oil from the sands, the oil produced creates more carbon...



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