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Carbon Farms Make Agriculture More Sustainable

Greenhouse gas emissions cause several negative consequences on the planet, such as air pollution, increasing ocean acidity and perhaps the most talked about problem – global warming. Research conducted in almost all corners...

Croatia Invests 200 Million Euros in Electric Vehicle Chargers

To achieve the desired 15 percent share of electric vehicles in the European Union, the EU adopted the Regulation on the Deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure (AFIR) on April 13 this year,...

By Investing in Sustainability, we’re Improving the Natural and Business Environment

Delta Holding is successfully implementing its ESG strategy, which contributes to environmental protection and the improvement of the quality of life in the community. Tijana Koprivica, the company’s Sustainable Business Manager, spoke...

How the Plane Turned Orange Due to Climate Change

That morning, before dawn, Jennifer Kowalski and Cole Macdonald found themselves at a celebrity private jet airport. While the security was dozing off, and no one thought to “take a look” at...

Green steel can cut climate impact of car production for just €57 a vehicle

Steel made with green hydrogen and electric arc furnaces, or produced from scrap, can reduce the CO2 emissions of producing cars in Europe by 6.9 Mt in 2030, new analysis shows. That’s equivalent to...

Immediate Actions Needed to Unblock Grid Capacity for More Wind Energy

The EU wants to increase its wind energy capacity from 220 GW today to 425 GW by 2030 and 1,300 GW by 2050. Wind is key to energy security, affordable electricity and...

Walk, Recycle, Earn Tokens

Imagine walking through the city or riding a bike in nature while at the same time contributing to the city by getting one more tree, feeding an animal or simply winning a...

EBRD Lends up to EUR 30 Million to Željeznički Prevoz Crne Gore a.d.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing a senior loan of up to EUR 30 million to Željeznički Prevoz Crne Gore a.d. (ZPCG), the passenger train operator in Montenegro. The...

ABB Investing 35 Million Dollars in New U.K. Earthing and Lightning Protection Factory

Lightning strikes and electrical surges disrupt critical operations and cause billions of dollars in damage to structures and equipment each year. With growing reliance on electronics and data centers, ABB is investing...

What Happens When the Lifespan of Solar Panels Ends? Is There a Reason for Concern?

New technologies bring hope for a better and safer future, but at the same time, they also bring anxiety – what negative consequences might they leave behind? Electric vehicles, for example, are...

New Data: CO2 Emissions From New Cars and Vans Further Decrease as Electric Vehicle Sales Grow in Europe

Average CO2 emissions from all new cars registered in Europe in 2023 continued to decrease and were 1.4 per cent lower than in 2022, according to new provisional data published by the...

Precise Strategies and Plans for Mitigating the Consequences of Climate Change

Biodiversity is particularly important for Romania because around 23 per cent of the country’s surface is occupied by protected natural areas, which are part of the Natura 2000 network of protected areas in the European Union. Romania has...

Europe’s Air Quality Keeps Improving but Pollution Levels Are Still Insafe in Many Areas

The EEA briefing ‘Europe’s air quality status 2024’ presents data on levels of key air pollutants in Europe in 2022 and 2023 and compares these concentrations to the EU air quality standards...

2023 Environmental Protection Investment: 67 billion euros

Eurostat estimates that in 2023, EU countries invested about 67 billion euros into assets essential to provide environmental protection services. These services included wastewater treatment plants, vehicles to transport waste, acquisitions of...

Morocco’s Big Green Hydrogen Potential – Can the Country Become a Major Player in the Transition to Sustainable Fuel?

Morocco's potential for the production of renewable energy from wind and sun positions the country very high on the list of the most important stakeholders in the global transition towards green fuels....

Rapid rollout of clean technologies makes energy cheaper, not more costly

Speeding up the move to clean energy technologies improves the affordability of energy and can relieve pressures on the cost of living more broadly, according to a new IEA special report released...



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