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The World Needs More Diverse Solar Panel Supply Chains to Ensure a Secure Transition to Net Zero Emissions

Ensuring a secure transition to net zero emissions will require increased efforts to expand and diversify global production of solar panels whose global supply chains are currently heavily concentrated in China, the...

ABB Formula E London E-Prix Showcases Sustainable Transport Down By The River

Following the latest rounds in the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship in New York City, the series has crossed the Atlantic in a return to the ExCeL London exhibition center. With changes...

How Can A Life-Cycle Approach Curb The Plastic Pollution Crisis?

At the recent United Nations Ocean Conference, another 22 governments agreed to join the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, which unites stakeholders around the goal of transitioning towards a circular economy for...

Global Energy and Climate Leaders Meet in Sydney to Strengthen Clean Energy Technology Supply Chains

Global energy and climate leaders are meeting this week at the Sydney Energy Forum, which is co-hosted by the Australian Government and the IEA, to discuss how to scale up and strengthen...

No Basis To Classify Lithium As Hazardous, Industry Groups Say

Electric vehicle battery material lithium should not be classified as a hazardous substance by the European Union because the scientific evidence on which the proposal is based is weak, seven industry groups...

New EIB-EBRD-WB Enterprise Survey: Are Companies In The Western Balkans Prepared For Another Crisis?

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its economic fallout come just as firms in the Western Balkans are recovering from the COVID-19 shock. Today’s presentation “Business resilience in the Western Balkans at times...

BMW Group to Open Cell Manufacturing Competence Centre This Autumn

The BMW Group will open its Cell Manufacturing Competence Centre (CCMC) in the autumn. With the immission control approval procedure now completed, the necessary conditions are in place for commissioning of near-standard...

BMW Group Uses Sustainable Paints Made From Bio-Waste

The BMW Group is using innovative technologies in its efforts to improve sustainability and taking advantage of new options to conserve resources and reduce emissions from painting bodywork. The BMW Group is...

Eight Actions to Solar-Power EU Energy Independence

On March 31st the international solar community gathered in Brussels for the SolarPower Summit. In light of the Russian war on Ukraine, the Summit publicly launched a landmark paper on the necessary,...

3 Ways the Circular Economy is Vital for the Energy Transition

The circular economy is a system which aims to get the most out of materials, keep products and materials in use and design them to be cycled back into the economy, eliminating...

The World Must Unite in a War Against Plastic

Reducing plastic use seems like one of the easiest environmental actions people can take. We re-use bags, put takeout coffee in our own mugs or recycle our plastic bottles, and feel good...

BMW Group Joins Sustainable Lithium Mining Project in Chile

Responsible management of natural resources is one of the core elements of the BMW Group’s commitment to sustainability. Within the framework of these activities, the company has joined the cross-sector “Responsible Lithium...

Circular Business Models and Smarter Design Can Reduce Environment and Climate Impacts From Textiles

The EEA briefing ‘Textiles and the environment: The role of design in Europe’s circular economy’ provides updated estimates of textiles’ life-cycle impacts on the environment and climate. The briefing shows that, compared with...

It’s Time to Shift to Net-Zero Emissions Plastics

There are two sides to everything - and that goes for plastics, too.Let's start with the positive side. Plastics shape and facilitate the whole of modern life. They are found in everything...

A Green-Oriented Business

Pellets produced in the Eko Step Pellet factory have lower CO2 gas emissions, contain minimal moisture, and when burnt, the ash is below 1.2 percent, which is within the European A2 standards,...

Clear Opportunities to Decouple Europe’s Waste Generation From Economic Growth

In most European countries and in the EU as a whole, waste generation is growing but at a slower pace than the economy. However, there are no signs that the overall objective...



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