Search results for:protected area

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What COVID-19 Means for Ecotourism

For decades, ecotourism has helped to conserve nature and protect endangered species. COVID-19 and the subsequent closure of ecotourism sites has had an indelible impact on wildlife and the communities that protect...

Environmentally Conscious Tourists Are Attracted to Eco-Friendly Destinations

If you are a fan of unspoiled nature hidden between the Montenegrin mountains and the Adriatic Sea, surely it must have happened to you, at least once, to be stuck for hours...

The Delicate Relationship Between People, Wildlife and the Pathogens

In the past, coronaviruses that circulated in humans caused only mild infections. This changed in 2002, when the SARS-CoV virus presented itself in humans as the disease we now know as SARS....

Major New Actions for Migratory Species

Ten migratory species added to global wildlife agreement including the Asian Elephant, Jaguar and Great Indian Bustard Gandhinagar declaration sends strong message on importance of migratory species for new global biodiversity...

Nature’s Oasis “Carska Bara”

How Carska bara recovered after the fire incurred by stubble burning and how wildlife is taken care of at the Special nature reserve Carska bara, we asked Dejan Zejak, the manager of...

Afforestation as a Mission

Harmonization of environmental and climate change regulations is a long-term process. It is known that these regulations are continually changing and improving at EU level, as well as a lack of administrative...

World’s First 5-Country Biosphere Reserve Nominated to UNESCO

Today, thirty years after the fall of the Iron Curtain, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia submitted an historic UNESCO application to establish the first 5-country biosphere reserve in the world. With...

Every Man Who Loves Nature Is My Brother

He said that Indians are the only people who live in harmony with nature, that we are in desperate need of every grain from the field that we do not leave a...

Great Barrier Reef Outlook Now ‘Very Poor’, Australian Government Review Says

The outlook for the Great Barrier Reef has deteriorated from poor to very poor according to an exhaustive government report that warns the window of opportunity to improve the natural wonder’s future...

IUCN Advises “in Danger” Status for Three World Heritage Sites

IUCN, the official advisor on natural World Heritage, recommends for three natural sites to be listed as “World Heritage in danger”: the Sundarbans in Bangladesh, Mexico’s Islands and Protected Areas of the...

Koalas Should Be Given Endangered Listing, Environment Groups Say

Koala populations on the Australian east coast have diminished to the extent the species should now be considered “endangered”, environment groups have said, amid concern that existing protection measures have failed to...

Green Montenegro

Within the framework of negotiations with the European Union, Montenegro has recently opened Chapter 27 covering the protection of the environment. The Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism of this neighbouring country,...

Australia Plans to Dump More Than 1 Million Tons of Sludge in Great Barrier Reef Waters

The Great Barrier Reef faces yet "another nail in the coffin," Dr. Simon Boxall from the National Oceanography Centre Southampton told BBC News Friday.That is because the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park...

Insect Collapse: ‘We Are Destroying Our Life Support Systems’

Scientist Brad Lister returned to Puerto Rican rainforest after 35 years to find 98% of ground insects had vanished. “We knew that something was amiss in the first couple days,” said Brad Lister....

Vital Ecosystems in Tidal Flats Lost to Development and Rising Sea Levels

Coastal development and sea level rise are causing the decline of tidal flats along the world’s coastlines, according to research that has mapped the ecosystems for the first time. Scientists from the University...

India Seeks to Save the Last Few Hundred Asiatic Lions

 In response to the mounting death toll among critically endangered Asiatic lions, India’s government has launched a project to save Asia’s last free-range population of lions in the state of Gujarat. “The Asiatic...



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