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Mongolia Receives New $23.1 Million Gcf Grant to Strengthen Climate Resilience

The Green Climate Fund approved a new US$23.1million grant to UNDP supported project aimed at strengthening climate resilience in Mongolia. The grant comes at a time when the country is facing a...

WHO Publishes Series of Profiles on Climate Change and Health in Island States

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are among the most vulnerable nations to climate change in the world. Yet, many island states are also leading in the global response to climate change, through...

Recycling Wind Turbine Blades

Wind turbines have increased in size and quantity to meet clean energy capacity demands Modern wind power converts the kinetic (movement) energy from wind into mechanical energy. This happens through the turning of...

Scouring the Mekong for Trash – and Data

In Chiang Rai, Thailand, a city perched on the banks of the Mekong River, a group of some 90 residents and university students came together to pick up trash on 19  September. Like...

Islands Aim to Phase out Fossil Fuels and Build Climate Resilience

From the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean to the farthest reaches of the Indian and Pacific oceans, island communities face common and increasingly daunting energy challenges. On top of their vulnerability to climate change,...

What Are the Biggest Risks to Business? New Data Shows Climate Concerns Are Rising

An overly simplistic view of global economics has fuelled climate denial and skepticism for decades. Some opponents of climate change mitigation policies argue that achieving any progress would require an impossible retrofitting...

Strong Cooperation and Enabling Policies Can Lead Energy Transformation in Southeast Asia

Meeting future energy demand in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a high priority in the region. With current indigenous fossil fuel resources incompatible with climate and sustainable development goals,...

India’s Youth Take on Plastic Pollution

On the 30th June 2020, 1,900 young people joined together at the Virtual Youth Summit in India to celebrate their completion of the Tide Turners Plastic Challenge in India. The challenge is...

Social Enterprise Remakes Waste Into Consumer Goods

While working for the decades-old family fashion business, Sissi Chao had an experience that literally took her breath away.“Not long after I started, I started visiting our fabric suppliers,” said Chao. “I...

Experience Your Carbon Footprint in Virtual Reality

Bush fires in Australia, typhoons in the Pacific, droughts in Africa, melting glaciers in the Arctic. Climate change continues to make headlines across the globe yet many people still find it hard...

Consumers and Business Concerned About Plastic Waste but Expect Governments to Do More

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Food Industry Asia (FIA) today released a regional survey of consumers and food and beverage businesses across South-East Asia that shows a significant disconnect between...

Entrepreneur Hoping to Make Electric Motorbikes a Staple of Thailand’s Streets

Bangkok has an extensive public transit network, but its maze of small side streets—sois—means that a destination is often a hike from a transit stop. In a city of extreme temperatures and...

Heat Continues in 2020 – the Month of May Was the Warmest May on Record

The global surface temperature for the first five months of the year was the second highest on record, marginally behind the strong El Niño year of 2016. The month of May was the...

UNEP Start-Up Challenge Winners Show How Business Can Build Back Better From COVID-19

The 2020 winners of a UN Environment Programme (UNEP) start-up initiative are demonstrating business solutions that will help Asia build back better and greener after the COVID-19 pandemic. The nine entrepreneurs selected by...

International Tourist Numbers Could Fall 60-80% in 2020, UNWTO Reports

International tourism down 22% in Q1 and could decline by 60-80% over the whole year 67 million fewer international tourists up to March translates into US$80 billion in lost exports UNWTO...

96% of All Worldwide Destinations Have Introduced Travel Restrictions in Response to the Pandemic

The scale of disruption caused by COVID-19 to global tourism is shown in a comprehensive new report on travel restrictions from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The landmark report, published at a...



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