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Planet has Just 5% Chance of Reaching Paris Climate Goal, Study Says

There is only a five per cent chance that the Earth will avoid warming by at least 2C come the end of the century, according to new research that paints a sobering...

California Named US State With Worst Air Quality, Yet Again

The state of California has again been named by the American Lung Association as the US state with the worst air quality — mostly as a result of having the highest ozone/smog...

38,000 People a Year Die Early Because of Diesel Emissions Testing Failures

The global human health impact of the diesel emissions scandal has been revealed by new research showing a minimum of 38,000 people a year die early due to the failure of diesel...

US Scientists Launch World’s Biggest Solar Geoengineering Study

US scientists are set to send aerosol injections 20km up into the earth's stratosphere in the world's biggest solar geoengineering programme to date, to study the potential of a future tech-fix for...

Sea Ice Falls to Record Lows in Both the Arctic and Antarctic

The Arctic and Antarctic have experienced record lows in sea ice extent so far in 2017, according to the latest data from the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). At about...

Sydney Air Pollution Alert Issued as Temperature Heads to 38C

An air pollution alert has been issued for Sydney residents due to a high level of ozone, already exceeding government standards for the entire year. The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage put...

Four major cities move to ban diesel vehicles by 2025

The leaders of four major global cities say they will stop the use of all diesel-powered cars and trucks by the middle of the next decade. The mayors of Paris, Mexico City,...

29% of Water Deemed Unsuitable for Human Consumption in China’s Top Coal Province

We know that Trump digs coal, but of all the fossil fuels, coal is Earth's biggest polluter. The environmental impact of the coal industry is vast and devastating. And now, production of...

World on Track for 3C of Warming under Current Global Climate Pledges, Warns UN

The commitments made by governments on climate change will lead to dangerous levels of global warming because they are incommensurate with the growth of greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new report. The...

Methane Progress Should Guide Regulatory Approach

API Upstream Group Director Erik Milito discussed ongoing industry efforts to reduce methane emissions and the risk to emissions reductions progress posed by adding new layers of regulation during testimony this week...

100 Countries Push to Phase out Potentially Disastrous Greenhouse Gas

A loose coalition of more than 100 countries, including the US and European nations, is pushing for an early phase-out of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), a powerful greenhouse gas that if left unchecked is...

Up to 340 Million Tons of CO2-equivalent per year Avoided Thanks to UNIDO Activities

Between 1990 and 2015, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) helped avoid the use and potential emission of 340 million tons of CO2-equivalent per year. This is equivalent of 71 million...

Clean air takes centre stage at Sarajevo Film Festival

Second annual Enviro Day sees the UN Environment Programme and Sarajevo Film Festival join forces to raise awareness of the importance of clean air in Bosnia and Herzegovina - home to some...

Volcanic eruptions slow down climate change – temporarily

Although global concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has continuously increased over the past decade, the mean global surface temperature has not followed the same path. A team of international reseachers,...

Together we improve the quality of life

Every day business practice best testifies on the determination of Hemofarm to proactively create sustainable business models by achieving better business results. At the same time they develop the local community in...

Montreal Protocol Negotiations to Phase-Down Climate Warming Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Enter Crunch Time

EU Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete will be in Vienna on 21-22 July to take part in negotiations on amending the Montreal Protocol to achieve a global reduction...



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