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Air Pollution & Dust Cuts Solar Cell Energy Output By Over 25% In Some Parts Of The World, Study Finds

A new study has now quantified the solar cell energy output loss occurring around the world as a result of air pollution and dust — bringing one of the most serious limitations...

May 2017 Was 2nd Warmest May On Record, Behind Only May 2016

May 2017 was the second warmest (or hottest) May on record — in terms of global average surface temperatures. It was only a tenth of a degree behind the current record holder,...

CO2 Emissions Soar as Alaska Heats Up

The Alaskan tundra is releasing an increasingly large amount of CO2 due to a warmer climate, new research shows. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that...

MEET ZUNUM: The Tesla Of Aircraft (PHOTO)

A new airline startup based out of Kirkland, Washington, could soon bring electric aircraft to mainstream consumer travel. Zunum Aero, which came out of stealth mode yesterday, just unveiled plans to develop...

Trump has Launched a Blitzkrieg in the Wars on Science and Earth’s Climate

 Yesterday, Donald Trump signed an executive order taking aim at America’s climate policies. On the heels of a report finding that the world needs to halve its carbon pollution every decade to...

EPA Chief Denies CO2 as Primary Driver of Climate Change

 Scott Pruitt, the new head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), does not think that carbon dioxide is a "primary contributor" to climate change—even though the actual science says it is. "I...

Humans Causing Climate to Change 170 Times Faster than Natural Forces

Researchers behind ‘Anthropocene equation’ say impact of people’s intense activity on Earth far exceeds that of natural events spread across millennia. For the first time, researchers have developed a mathematical equation to describe...

WMO Confirms 2016 as Hottest Year on Record, about 1.1°C above Pre-Industrial Era

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) yesterday announced that the year 2016 has been the hottest year on record, surpassing the exceptionally high temperatures of 2015, according to a consolidated analysis. The globally averaged...

World on Track for 3C of Warming under Current Global Climate Pledges, Warns UN

The commitments made by governments on climate change will lead to dangerous levels of global warming because they are incommensurate with the growth of greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new report. The...

The World Passes 400ppm Carbon Dioxide Threshold. Permanently

We are now living in a 400ppm world with levels unlikely to drop below the symbolic milestone in our lifetimes, say scientists. Climate Central reports. In the centuries to come, history books will...

OSCE Promotes Green Technologies Transfer in Kazakhstan

ASTANA, 14 September 2016 – Promoting the Green Bridge Partnership Initiative (GBPI) with a focus on exchange of green technologies and improved co-operation is the topic of a two-day OSCE-supported international conference...

Toxic Air Pollution Particles Found in Human Brains

Toxic nanoparticles from air pollution have been discovered in human brains in “abundant” quantities, a newly published study reveals. The detection of the particles, in brain tissue from 37 people, raises concerns because...

Hidden pollution exchange between oceans and groundwater revealed

Researchers have uncovered previously hidden sources of ocean pollution along more than 20 percent of America's coastlines. The study, published online Aug. 4 in the journal Science, offers the first-ever map of underground...

Volcanic eruptions slow down climate change – temporarily

Although global concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has continuously increased over the past decade, the mean global surface temperature has not followed the same path. A team of international reseachers,...

2016 Arctic Sea Ice Wintertime Extent Hits Another Record Low

Arctic sea ice appears to have reached a record low wintertime maximum extent for the second year in a row, according to scientists at the NASA-supported National Snow and Ice Data Center...

Analyses Reveal Record-shattering Global Warm Temperatures in 2015

2015 was Planet Earth's warmest year since modern record-keeping began in 1880, according to a new analysis by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Earth’s 2015 surface temperatures were the warmest since modern record...



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