Search results for:montenegro

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So far, the importance of digitalisation in business has been discussed on multiple occasions. This time, we aim to focus on building digitalisation and how it can help building owners and maintenance...


According to some estimates, the usage of RES (renewable energy sources) will cover 70–80 per  cent of all humanity’s energy needs by 2050. Although the most important purpose of using RES is...

EBRD and Sparkasse Bank Makedonija Support Small Businesses in North Macedonia

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is supporting the green economy in North Macedonia by providing a EUR 23 million loan to Sparkasse Bank Makedonija (SMB) for on-lending to local...

Greenpeace: Our transport system is fuelling the multiple crises we’re facing

With extreme heat, floods and fires, the highest inflation in decades, unprecedented energy price-hikes, a looming energy shortfall and a war on European soil, the world feels like it’s at a crossroads....

The Potential of the Region is Substantial, We Must Act Swiftly Right Now

The Energy Week Western Balkans conference organized by the British company Invest In Network is underway in Montenegro. The first panel discussed the potential of clean energy sources in the Western Balkans. The...

EBRD Loans USD 100 Million to Boost Renewables in Turkey

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is extending up to USD 100 million in financing to Adnan Polat Enerji Yatirimi A.S. (APEY) as part of a financing package jointly provided...

Elnos Group – Innovation and Boldness are the Key to Success in the RES Field

The expansion of projects that will bring clean and rich sources of renewable energy is reaching incredible levels, and every green kilowatt on the market is worth its weight in gold. One...

Schneider Electric is a Leader in Digitalization of Electric Energy

The need for decarbonization and reducing greenhouse gas emission has reached its peak and the important part of the entire process lies in electromobility and efforts to reduce pollution produced by the...

Energy Security: France Takes Emergency Measures to Boost Renewables

France gets around 20 per cent of its electricity from renewable sources – 8 per cent from wind energy, but it needs more to meet its climate goals while reinforcing energy security....

Joint working group of Serbia, Albania, Northern Macedonia for energy cooperation

Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic announced in Tirana that the relevant ministers from Northern Macedonia and Albania accepted Serbia's initiative to form a joint working group for cooperation in the...

Save Gas for a Safe Winter: Commission Proposes Gas Demand Reduction Plan to Prepare EU for Supply Cuts

The European Union faces the risk of further gas supply cuts from Russia, due to the Kremlin's weaponisation of gas exports, with almost half of our Member States already affected by reduced...

How to Create Favorable Environment for Investment and Innovation?

More than 30 years ago, an international financial institution was established in the British capital, whose main goal was to support the transition from a centrally planned economy to an open market...

Energy Community Parliamentary Plenum Debates Energy Security Amidst Russian invasion of Ukraine

Parliamentarians of the Energy Community Contracting Parties and the European Parliament met in Brussels under the umbrella of the Energy Community Parliamentary Plenum. In the presence of EU Commissioner for Energy Kadri...

Slovenian and Serbian TSOs Along with EPEX SPOT to Establish the First Regional Power Exchange for Central and South-Eastern Europe

ELES, EMS, and EPEX SPOT announce their joint commitment to establish the first regional power exchange for Central and South-Eastern Europe. The newly founded Alpine-Adriatic Danube Power Exchange - ADEX - will...

Adoption of the RES Law is a Major Step Forward

The recently adopted Law on Renewable Energy Sources has brought many positive changes and drew the attention of foreign and domestic investors. Citizens and businesses were given the opportunity to become prosumers...

Energy Community Meets 2020 Headline Target for Energy Efficiency, Makes Progress on Renewables

The Energy Community has achieved the 2020 headline target for energy efficiency set by the 2012 Energy Efficiency Directive. With respect to renewables, three Contracting Parties - Albania, Moldova and Montenegro -...



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