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Climate Crisis Leaving 2 Million People a Week Needing Aid

A new report by the world’s largest humanitarian network warns that the number of people needing humanitarian assistance every year as a result of climate-related disasters could double by 2050.The Cost of...

USA’s First 100% Solar Airport Comes Up at Chattanooga

A few weeks back, Tennessee’s Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport (CMA) became the first US airport powered by 100% solar energy. For the fact keepers, the world’s first airport to go completely solar was...

Forest-Friendly Chocolate

Sougue Kadjatou is a 45-year-old farmer who lives with her husband and two children in Agboville, a village in Côte d’Ivoire. Her cocoa plantation, where she works every day from morning until...

Supermarkets in Asia Are Now Using Banana Leaves Instead of Plastic Packaging

Supermarkets in Vietnam have adopted an initiative from Thailand that makes use of banana leaves instead of plastic as a packaging alternative. Supermarket in Chiangmai, Thailand earned praise on Facebook for coming up...

Aldi to Trial Plastic-Free Veg at Its Stores in England

Aldi is extending a trial to eliminate the use of plastic packaging for some fresh vegetables at its stores in England. The supermarket started selling five loose fresh produce, including savoy cabbage, white...

EPA Releases Report Advising Communities to Prepare for Climate Change-Related Disasters

Policymakers at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a report in the Federal Register outlining how local communities should start planning for near-future catastrophes associated with climate change.As first reported by...

Car-Free Sundays Are the Norm in Colombia’s Capital City, Bogotá

Imagine your city without cars — every single Sunday. At first, you might be frustrated by the inconvenience and inability to complete errands, but once you embrace the throngs of bikes, recognize...

Poor Diets Killed 11 Million People in 2017

Poor diet killed 11 million people in 2017, making it a more deadly health risk than smoking, a major new study has found.The finding is part of a Global Burden of Disease...

Strawberries, Spinach and Kale Are Riddled with Pesticides

A diet rich in fruits and veggies is considered to be key to good health. They are low in calories but high in nutrients. Just what the doctor ordered. Or is it?Because...

Pink and Green Are the Colours of Love!

Sabac is located in the north of northeastern Serbia, and it covers an area of 795 square kilometres inhabited by around 130 thousand people. Its citizens speak proudly about towns’ past –...

Lidl Trials Removal of 9p Plastic Bags in Wales

Lidl is trialling the removal of 9p plastic bags from 54 of its shops in Wales.The brand says it discovered the cheap reusable bags were frequently being used just once before being...

France Is the First Country to Ban All 5 Pesticides Linked to Bee Deaths

France will take a radical step towards protecting its dwindling bee population on Saturday by becoming the first country in Europe to ban all five pesticides researchers believe are killing off the...

UK Chips an Inch Shorter After Summer Heatwave – Report

The British chip has been left an inch shorter by the 2018 heatwave, according to a report on the risks to UK fruit and vegetable growing from climate change.The spell of baking...

Seeds on the Moon Started to Sprout for the First Time — but Quickly Died

China has taken a major step toward long-term space exploration. Earlier this month, the Chinese moon probe Chang’e 4 carried a container with cotton, mustard and potato seeds, yeast and fruit fly...

Flexitarian Food Puts Meat-Based Diets at Steak to Save the Planet

Scientists say a new ‘flexitarian’ diet needs to be widely adopted to protect the environment, feed the hungry and stop millions of early deaths.The EAT-Lancet Commission, which is made up of a...

Aldi Wants a Pizza the Action on Sustainability

The supermarket has committed to introducing 100% recyclable pizza discs in an effort to reduce plastic waste. Aldi has committed to introducing 100% recyclable pizza discs in an effort to reduce plastic waste.The...



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