Search results for:forests

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Record Heat Sends Sea Ice Into Retreat, Worrying Scientists

The recent collapse of a 1,100km2 ice shelf in Antarctica came at a time of record high temperatures and is a symptom of a planet in a climate crisis, experts say.   The...

As Climate Changes, World Grapples With a Wildfire Crisis

Whether it’s the Australian coast or the rainforests of Brazil, unrestrained wildfires – shrouded by black smoke and punctuated by the crackle of burning vegetation – have laid waste to some of...

Number Of Wildfires Forecast to Rise by 50 per cent by 2100

Climate change and land-use change are projected to make wildfires more frequent and intense, with a global increase of extreme fires of up to 14 per cent by 2030, 30 per cent...

Swiss Green Default

If I imagine a country like the one in a fairy tale, with beautiful forests, lakes and cows that graze contentedly and give healthy, whole milk, from which the most delicious cheeses...

WWF Has Launched a Regional Campaign “Love It or Lose It”

On Valentine's Day, WWF has launched a regional campaign called "Love It or Lose It", declaring 2022 a key year to show our love for nature, upon which all humanity depends. In line...

A Green-Oriented Business

Pellets produced in the Eko Step Pellet factory have lower CO2 gas emissions, contain minimal moisture, and when burnt, the ash is below 1.2 percent, which is within the European A2 standards,...

Dragonflies Threatened as Wetlands Around the World Disappear

The destruction of wetlands is driving the decline of dragonflies worldwide, according to the first global assessment of these species in today’s update of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™. Their...

Sustainable Plastic Management is key to achieve Green Growth for Bangladesh

Sustainable management of plastic will be crucial for Bangladesh to tackle the increasing plastic pollution and ensure green growth, says a new World Bank Report. The ‘Towards a Multisectoral Action Plan for Sustainable...

Seven Tips for an Earth-Friendly Holiday Season

Every day we make choices about the world we want to create. As we plan and provide this holiday season, we can choose to be more friendly to the planet, our shared...

Will the EU Finally End its Complicity in Global Deforestation?

Once again, government officials and politicians are returning home from the climate negotiations at COP26 in Glasgow with their bags full of promises and pledges to tackle the climate crisis, including lofty pledges...

What Does COP26 Mean for Adaptation?

As the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) came to a close, news agencies and bloggers ploughed through the Glasgow Climate Pact to make sense of the commitments made to...

Nature Investment Accelerator Invites Corporates to Slash 1Gt Emissions Annually

- Leading companies launch a campaign to increase private sector investment in natural climate solutions (NCS) to the tune of 1 Gigatonne (Gt) of emission reductions per year by 2025 - Under current...

Nature-based Solutions for Climate Resilience Receive EUR 10 million boost

At the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), the Federal Environment Ministry of Germany (BMU) announced it will provide an additional EUR 10m to the Global EbA Fund, a pioneering funding mechanism...

4 Myths About Industrial Agriculture

Our lives revolve around food. It’s part of our cultures and our heritages, and our social interactions are often centered on it. Yet, it’s a privilege to be able to have meals...

Between the Myth and Responsibility

Is it all that it takes for one product to have labels such as eco, 100 percent natural, or 100 percent bio so that we are assured that buying it would do...

What Are Nature-Based Solutions and How Can They Help Us Address the Climate Crisis?

Nature-based solutins refer to a suite of actions or policies that harness the power of nature to address some of our most pressing societal challenges, such as threats to water security, rising...



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