Search results for:e-mobility

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Electric Fleets Can Fuel Decarbonisation Efforts. Here’s How

Without drastic action, emissions from mobility are on track to double by 2050 – making climate change irreversible and leading to a global misery greater than the pandemic.During the recent COVID-19 crisis, a...

ABB Sensor Onboard SpaceX Rocket to Detect Greenhouse Gas Emissions

An optical sensor manufactured by ABB was deployed with the successful launch of satellite Hugo from GHGSat, the emerging leader in greenhouse gas sensing services in space. The ABB supplied optical sensor can...

ABB’s Digital Water Management Solutions Easing Water Shortage in India

With an annual rainfall of just 570mm, Koppal is a semi-arid region where the groundwater table only produces saline water. Water shortages are a daily challenge for the region’s one million inhabitants....

IRENA and Pacific Community Announce Joint Efforts to Boost Recovery

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Pacific Community (SPC) will work together to support Pacific island countries transition their energy systems to renewable energy sources as part of a drive...

What Is Servitisation, and How Can It Help Save the Planet?

The rising global population and continuous economic growth are driving an increasing demand for energy. Global energy consumption is expected to nearly double by the year 2050, further enhancing the challenge to...

Taking Charge for an Electric Future

On World EV Day, (9th September) drivers from more than 60 countries have made a firm commitment to transition to an electric vehicle. The online pledge campaign, which was launched by ABB and...

Latin America’s Energy Community Underlines Link Between Energy Transformation and Prosperity

High-level energy and climate decision makers from Latin America and the Caribbean underlined the importance of low-carbon energy policy to securing stable, long-term prosperity across regional economies, during a webinar co-hosted by...

Cities – Where the Fight for a Green Recovery Will Be Won or Lost

Cities are home to 55 per cent of the world’s population, all jammed together cheek-by-jowl. Little wonder, then, that cities are being hit hardest by COVID-19: an estimated 90 per cent of...

ABB Breaks Ground on $30 Million Facility for EV Chargers to Meet Global Demand

ABB has marked the start of construction at its new facility in San Giovanni Valdarno, Italy, which will serve as a global Center of Excellence and production site for electric vehicle charging...

Italy Set to Increase EV Incentives to €10,000 — Are Carmakers Ready?

The Italian government is preparing new fiscal measures to sustain the economic recovery, following months of lockdown at the peak of the coronavirus pandemic. Like in many other countries, particularly in Europe,...

Environmentally Conscious Tourists Are Attracted to Eco-Friendly Destinations

If you are a fan of unspoiled nature hidden between the Montenegrin mountains and the Adriatic Sea, surely it must have happened to you, at least once, to be stuck for hours...

Battery Storage Paves Way for a Renewable-Powered Future

Battery storage systems are emerging as one of the key solutions to effectively integrate high shares of solar and wind renewables in power systems worldwide. A recent analysis from the International Renewable...

ABB’s Success Formula

Presenting a world-class company that achieves notable results in numerous areas can be a challenging task. One of those companies is ABB, which is paving the way for the future by introducing...

The Growth of EV Charging Network

According to the data coming from public and private companies, the number of delivered and installed chargers for electric vehicles is on the rise in Serbia. If this upward trend in the...

ABB and Volvo to Electrify Gothenburg’s City Streets

Starting in 2020, 157 new Volvo electric buses will start trafficking the streets of Gothenburg, Mölndal and Partille, powered by charging infrastructure solutions from market leading provider, ABB. This landmark announcement represents...

Farewell to Long Charging and Short Radius

Cities around the world face the challenge of finding solutions for public transportation that can reduce harmful gas emissions and noise, and at the same time reduce operating costs to a minimum....



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