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Climate Change

“As an actor, I pretend for a living; I play fictional characters. I believe that mankind has looked at climate change in that same way as if it were fiction. None of...

New Standards for Air Conditioners and Refrigerators Set to Tackle Climate Change

Growing demand for air conditioning units and refrigerators is threatening to accelerate global warming, but new guidelines could help reduce emissions by setting clear performance standards for new appliances.The new model guidelines...

IRENA on the Front Line of the Battle to Limit Climate Change

It was billed as a day of action. Parties without concrete, actionable plans and commitments stayed away from a meeting that the UN Secretary General and wider community believed could be the...

IRENA and UN Climate Change Join Forces to Accelerate Renewables as Climate Solution

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and UN Climate Change (UNFCCC) are jointly ramping up efforts to fight climate change by promoting the widespread adoption and sustainable use of renewable energy. The...

Why Forest Elephant Extinction Will Make Climate Change Much Worse

Forest elephant extinction would exacerbate climate change. That’s according to a new study in Nature Geoscience which links feeding by elephants with an increase in the amount of carbon that forests are...

France Will Hike Air Fares to Fight Climate Change

A new 'eco tax' will raise money for less polluting modes of transportation. France announced on 9th July that it will introduce an 'eco tax' on all flights originating within the country. The amount...

EU Aims to Tackle Climate Change With Newly Adopted ‘Green Finance’ Guidelines

Newly adopted guidelines set forth by the European Commission Tuesday aim to tackle climate change by way of the financial sector. The move comes to bolster the success of the Sustainable Action...

Heatwave in 2018 ‘Could Not Have Occurred Without Human-Caused Climate Change’

The heatwave that swept the Northern Hemisphere for three months during the summer of 2018 could not have occurred without human-caused climate change. That’s the verdict from new scientific research published in the...

Climate Change as a Fundamental Challenge of Our Era

To become a full member of the European Union one day, Serbia needs to harmonise its legislation with acquis of this group of countries. One of the fields that we need to...

EPA Releases Report Advising Communities to Prepare for Climate Change-Related Disasters

Policymakers at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a report in the Federal Register outlining how local communities should start planning for near-future catastrophes associated with climate change.As first reported by...

Climate Change ‘Is Already Fuelling Conflict in Africa’

The effects of climate change are fuelling conflict in Africa.That’s the verdict from Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, who speaking in Nigeria on a 5-day visit to Africa this week, said the effects...

‘BirthStrike’ Movement Encourages People to Stop Having Children in the Face of Climate Change

A growing movement is encouraging future parents to reconsider their decision to conceive and instead vow not to procreate in the face of climate change. As the world's increasing population pushes the...

The Best and Worst Airlines for Tackling Climate Change

Flying is bad for the environment but some airlines are better than others at limiting the damage.No airline is yet doing enough to reduce carbon emissions in the long term, but Delta...

Cuba’s Tobacco Growers Confront Climate Change

Looking at the plain, one-story wooden shacks that dot the countryside in Cuba's vuelta abajo region, one would never guess that the farmers here grow one of the island's most valuable natural...

First Mammal Species Recognized as Extinct Due to Climate Change

A small rodent that lived only on a single island off Australia is likely the world's first mammal to become a casualty of climate change, scientists reported in June 2016. The government...

Climate Strike: Schoolchildren Protest over Climate Change

Pupils from around the UK went "on strike" on Friday as part of a global campaign for action on climate change. Students around the country walked out of schools to call on the...



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