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Enel Commissions Largest Solar Project In South America

Italian developer Enel’s subsidiary Enel Green Power Brasil Participações (EGPB) announced the operation of two solar power plants located in Brazil with an aggregate capacity of 546 megawatts. The two solar plants include...

Latin American Renewables Sector Enjoys Twin Funding Boost

Latin America's fast-expanding renewables sector received a twin-boost this week as two leading developers announced they had secured funding for giant wind farm projects in Chile and Mexico. Mainstream Renewable Power announced yesterday...

Renewable Energy Breaks Records in 2016, but Investments Are Falling

More gigawatts of renewable energy were installed worldwide in 2016 than in any previous year, according to a new report. The Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2017 report shows the costs of...

Over 47 Gigawatts of New Wind Capacity to Be Installed in Latin America over Next Decade, Predicts MAKE

More than 47 gigawatts worth of new wind capacity is expected to be installed across Latin America over the next decade according to new analysis from MAKE Consulting. Over 4.3 gigawatts (GW) of...

China & India Surpass USA As World’s Most Attractive Renewable Energy Countries

China and India have both surpassed the United States in EY’s Renewable energy country attractiveness index, pushing the US down for the first time since 2015 in the ranking of the top...

Australia leaps up global renewable energy investment rankings

Australia has leaped up the rankings of the most attractive countries for renewable energy investment, thanks to the record sums of more than $7.5 billion committed to large-scale wind and solar, not...

C40 Cities Work Together To Invest In Clean Buses

Travelling up to ten times further than the average passenger vehicle, urban buses are a significant source of pollution, impacting local air quality and global carbon emissions. By 2030, urban bus activity...

Philippines Approves 30 Megawatt Solar + Storage Project To Assess Impact On Grid

More developing markets are now considering storage solutions for better and efficient integration of solar power projects into the existing grid. The Department of Energy in the Philippines recently approved four large-scale solar...

Denmark to Build Offshore Wind Turbine Higher than Eiffel Tower

Manufacturers led by Siemens AG are working to almost double the capacity of the current range of turbines, which already have wing spans that surpass those of the largest jumbo jets. The...

New Report on Renewable and Geothermal Energy in Latin America

In a recent report on the renewable energy market in Latin America, IRENA provides a good overview on the important role in specific countries in Central America and Mexico. In a report published...

China to Take Leadership Position on Energy Storage in East Asia-Pacific Region, World Bank Says

China likely will become the largest energy storage market in the East Asia & Pacific region, with a potential to install about 9 GW of utility-scale and behind-the-meter systems in 2025, according...

Climate Change Will Lead to Annual Coral Bleaching, UN-Supported Study Predicts

If current trends continue and the world fails to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, nearly all of the world's coral reefs will suffer severe bleaching – the gravest threat to one of the...

Solar Power Becoming World’s Cheapest Form of Electricity Production, Analysts Say

Solar power is becoming the cheapest way to generate electricity, according to leading analysts. Data produced by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) showed the cost of solar in 58 lower-income countries – including...

With New Pledges and New Projects, Developing Countries Take Clean Energy Lead Globally

Developing countries have made unprecedented pledges to consume more clean energy tomorrow even as they are leading the way today with record new wind and solar project completions, the latest edition of...

Wind Cheapest Power Source in Argentina Renewable Auction

Wind was the cheapest source of energy in Argentina’s first power auction after the country implemented reforms designed to transform its fossil fuel - dependent grid. The minimum price for wind power reached...

Paris Climate Agreement Moves Closer to Entry into Force in 2016 as 60 Countries Accounting for 48% of Emissions Have Joined

The Paris Agreement on climate change moved closer towards entering into force in 2016 as 31 more countries joined the agreement today at a special event hosted by United Nations Secretary-General Ban...



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