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From polluter to grid service provider: How your car can help power the energy transition

It is common knowledge that electric vehicles (EVs) are cleaner alternatives to conventional vehicles. However, their role in the energy transition extends beyond cutting direct emissions, underlining their crucial importance. This is...

Watts to Wheels: Why EV-Battery Innovation is Key to Sparking a Renewable Revolution

Increasing the uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) is a fundamental part of accelerating the renewables-based energy transition and getting us onto the 1.5°C pathway. The uptake of EVs holds the potential to...


The most important step that lies ahead for Serbia in order to become a European Union member is the transfer of the regulations of this political and economic community to the national...

International Organizations

International OrganizationsIn addition to the institutions and organizations of the EU, international organizations whose activities harmonize the legislation of the EU and other countries, such as the countries of the Middle East...

Five Cross-cutting Barriers to Bioenergy Deployment and How to Address Them

Bioenergy – solid biofuels, biogas, biomethane and liquid biofuels – already makes a significant contribution to the world’s energy supply, but half of the deployment currently takes the form of traditional uses...

Renewable Energy Jobs Hit 12.7 Million Globally

Worldwide renewable energy employment reached 12.7 million last year, a jump of 700,000 new jobs in one year despite the lingering effects of COVID-19 and the growing energy crisis, according to a...

Power-sector Emissions are Set to Fall in 2022. – Thanks to Renewable Energy

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine triggered an unprecedented global energy crisis, the world has been turning to other sources of power, besides oil and gas, to meet demand. Renewable energy has seen a...

Why Don’t Solar Panels Work as Well in Heatwaves?

Heatwaves are good for generating solar energy – right? Well, yes and no. Recent hot weather has generated record amounts of solar power. Germany broke a new record for solar power generation, and, in the...

Renewable Power Remains Cost-Competitive amid Fossil Fuel Crisis

Costs for renewables continued to fall in 2021 as supply chain challenges and rising commodity prices have yet to show their full impact on project costs. The cost of electricity from onshore...

Blue Economy Can Help Members Boost Offshore Renewables

“An important part of the solution to today’s energy crisis may lay with our oceans as a source of local and abundant renewable energy”, said Roland Roesch, Deputy-Director of IRENA’s Innovation and...

Norway Has Key Opportunities to Advance its Transition and Help Lead the World on Clean Energy Technologies

As a resource-rich country on the leading edge of many clean energy technologies, Norway is uniquely well placed for the clean energy transition and now needs to advance strategies to tackle emissions...

Cooperation With Israel In Implementing Green Agenda And Strengthening Energy Security

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mining and Energy, prof. Zorana Mihajlovic, PhD, talked today with H.E. Jahel Vilan, Ambassador of Israel, about cooperation in the field of green energy, the process...

Natural History Centre Opened In Ovcar Banja

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic opened, together with Minister of Environmental Protection Irena Vujovic, Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirovic and Mayor of Cacak Milun Todorovic the Natural History Centre in...

Austria Doubles Speed of Solar Panel Rollout

More than double the solar panel capacity of 2020 was installed in 2021, making the past year by far the Austrian solar industry’s best, the photovoltaic industry association said on Monday. Austria has one...

Why the World is Missing its Chance for Clean Energy

A green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic would have helped countries to build back better while driving economic growth and job creation. But the latest Renewables 2022 Global Status Report paints a different picture. According to...

COVID-19 Slows Progress Towards Universal Energy Access

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a key factor in slowing progress toward universal energy access. Globally, 733 million people still have no access to electricity, and 2.4 billion people still cook using...



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