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Renault-Nissan Alliance Named Official COP22 Passenger Car Partner with Zero-emission Fleet

The Renault-Nissan Alliance, world leader in zero-emission mobility, will provide a fleet of 50 all-electric vehicles as the official passenger-car provider for the United Nations' COP22 Climate Conference in Marrakech, Morocco. The...

California Program Encourages Adoption of Zero-Emissions Vehicles

California’s Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) program is expected to increase sales of electric, plug-in hybrid, and other alternative light-duty vehicles in the United States. The ZEV program is administered by the California Air...

San Francisco Just Took a Huge Step Towards Becoming a Zero-Waste City

Back in 2002, San Francisco adopted a “Zero-Waste” scheme. The scheme hopes to make San Francisco the first city of its size to achieve zero waste by 2020. They’ve made some pretty...

Manasija Gets a Solar Power Plant

The energy transition leaves no one behind – everyone is encouraged to turn to clean energy sources and reduce their carbon footprint to achieve a greener future as quickly as possible. Religious...

IEA policy review highlights UK leadership on climate policy and emission reduction efforts

The IEA regularly conducts reviews of the energy and related climate policies of its member countries and provides recommendations – a process that supports energy policy development and encourages the exchange of...

Why Aren’t We Reducing our Reliance on Fossil Fuels Faster?

The world must rapidly cut its greenhouse gas emissions. Remarkable progress has been made, especially in the adoption of renewable energy in the transport and energy sectors, but the change is not...

Green steel can cut climate impact of car production for just €57 a vehicle

Steel made with green hydrogen and electric arc furnaces, or produced from scrap, can reduce the CO2 emissions of producing cars in Europe by 6.9 Mt in 2030, new analysis shows. That’s equivalent to...

New UK Government plans big push on wind

The UK’s new Labour Government has great ambitions for accelerating the deployment of wind energy, both onshore and offshore. To deliver on their new goals they will need a massive overhaul of...

French Auction Results are not the new Benchmark for Floating Wind in Europe

Last month France published the results of its 250 MW floating offshore wind auction off South Brittany (AO5). The winning bid was awarded at 86 euros /MWh – a record-low for floating...

Rapid rollout of clean technologies makes energy cheaper, not more costly

Speeding up the move to clean energy technologies improves the affordability of energy and can relieve pressures on the cost of living more broadly, according to a new IEA special report released...

France Commits to Big Offshore Wind Volumes

Last year France raised its offshore wind target for 2050 to 45 GW, with an intermediate target of 18 GW by 2035. On 2 May the Government published a new offshore auction...

The New Era of Artificial Intelligence – and What it Means for the Data Center Segment

Artificial intelligence is currently the most potent force transforming how we process, analyze, and use data. Predictions say that the artificial intelligence market will reach a whopping $407 billion by 2027. We...

Sharp Declines in Critical Mineral Prices Mask Risks of Future Supply Strains as Energy Transitions Advance

Pressure eased in 2023 on the market for minerals that go into electric vehicles, wind turbines, solar panels and other clean energy technologies, as supply outpaced surging demand. But a new report...

Surging investment in manufacturing of clean energy technologies is supporting economic growth

Booming investment in the manufacturing of clean energy technologies, especially solar PV and batteries, is becoming a powerful economic driver globally, creating new industrial and employment opportunities, according to a new report...

Rapid Expansion of Batteries Will Be Crucial to Meet Climate and Energy Security Goals Set at COP28

Growth in batteries outpaced almost all other clean energy technologies in 2023 as falling costs, advancing innovation and supportive industrial policies helped drive up demand for a technology that will be critical...

Szeged Introduces a Geothermal Energy District Heating System

The Hungarian Ministry of Construction and Transport recently announced the completion of the project for a new geothermal heating system in Szeged. According to the Ministry’s announcement, six million euros have been invested...



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