Search results for:health

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Climate Change Already Damaging Health of Millions Globally, Report Finds

The health of hundreds of millions of people around the world is already being damaged by climate change, a major report has revealed. Heatwaves are affecting many more vulnerable people and global warming...

12 Global Cities Commit to Create Green and Healthy Streets By 2030

On Monday, the mayors of London, Paris, Los Angeles, Copenhagen, Barcelona, Quito, Vancouver, Mexico City, Milan, Seattle, Auckland and Cape Town committed to a series of ambitious targets to make their cities...

More Than 100 Schools Sign on to Teach Health Risks of Climate Change

The Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education (GCCHE) today announced that, since its launch earlier this year, 125 health professions schools and programs around the world have joined and committed to...

What Effects Does Climate Change Have On Soil Health & The Future Of Food?

Global temperatures increasing steadily at their fastest rates in millions of years? Very scary. Glaciers calving and collapsing into the sea? Hard to miss. The Atlantic Ocean lapping down the streets of...

Wind Power Saves Over $100 Billion In Health Care Costs In US, Study Finds

A study done by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and published by Nature Energy in August finds that wind power in the United States is responsible for saving thousands of lives and over...

Wind and Solar Power Costs Offset Through Health and Environmental Benefits

The rollout of renewable energy across the US has earnt its costs back through savings on public health thanks to the cleaner air it enabled, according to a study published last week...

Theresa May Admits Air Pollution is One of UK’s Gravest Health Risks

Theresa May has admitted the full scale of the UK's air pollution crisis, in a letter acknowledging poor air quality is the fourth biggest health risk for the British public after cancer,...

Health and Green Building Experts Join Forces to Tackle Indoor Air Pollution Threat

A group of health and green building experts have joined together in a new working party aimed at integrating energy efficiency policies with measures to tackle indoor air pollution caused by kitchen...

Eating Healthier Food Could Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Eating healthier food could reduce greenhouse gas emissions, suggests a new study. As it turns out, some relatively small diet tweaks could add up to significant inroads in addressing climate change. You are...

Harvard Study Finds $38 Billion of Public Health Benefits from Carbon Reduction Rule

While the Clean Power Plan (CPP) works its way through the court system, researchers continue to look into what it could mean for consumers. The results of a new Harvard study show there’s...

Are Artificial Rivers the Future of Water Resource Management?

Water bodies cover about 70 percent of Earth’s surface, but how much do we truly value this precious resource? It is often said that what is abundant is taken for granted. The...

Landslide Triggered by Climate Change Caused Earth’s Vibration

A massive landslide caused by climate change in a remote part of Greenland created a megatsunami, causing the Earth to vibrate for nine days in September last year, according to newly released...

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

The ozone layer, a fragile shield of gas, protects the Earth from the harmful portion of the rays of the sun, thus helping preserve life on the planet. The phaseout of controlled uses...

White Paper Presented in Serbia That Could Make the Waste Management System More Sustainable

The recently presented White Paper on Waste-to-Energy in Serbia aims to provide a clear and reliable insight into all aspects of waste incineration and to address many of the questions that this...

Manasija Gets a Solar Power Plant

The energy transition leaves no one behind – everyone is encouraged to turn to clean energy sources and reduce their carbon footprint to achieve a greener future as quickly as possible. Religious...

International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies

Air pollution is the biggest environmental health risk of our time. It also exacerbates climate change, causes economic losses, and reduces agricultural productivity. It knows no borders – everyone has a responsibility to...



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